Ch.3 loading and saving in bfd eco, 1 preset types and kit-pieces, Preset pickers – FXpansion BFD Eco User Manual

Page 10: Loading kit-pieces, 2 other preset types used in bfd eco, Kit-piece presets, Key map, 3 using the preset pickers

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Ch.3 Loading and saving in BFD Eco

3:1 Preset types and kit-pieces

Preset pickers

Kit picker

Mixer picker

Lock buttons

Preset picker

BFD Eco features preset pickers for the following type of presets:

BFD Eco Presets

A BFD Eco Preset stores the entire state of the instrument. Note the capitalization whenever the manual refers to Presets.
Presets also store preference settings that override BFD Eco’s default preference settings.


A kit stores the configuration of kit-pieces that form a kit, along with settings for the kit-piece’s inspector controls (located on the left side of the
Channel page).
• Kit-pieces contained within slots
• Kit-piece inspector settings (except the

Aux1 / Aux2 Send controls)


A mixer is a preset that stores the state of the mixer, including output routings and FX settings.
• It also stores the state of the

Aux1 / Aux2 Send controls, located in the Channel page for kit-piece and ambience channels.

Double-click channel
image to load kit-piece


Right-click on the channel
and click ‘Load Kit-piece’

Loading Kit-pieces

Kit-pieces (without any additional settings, as opposed to kit-piece presets – see
below) do not feature pickers like the main preset types. Instead, they are loaded in
either of the following ways:
• Double-click on a kit-piece channel image
• Right-click (or CTRL-click on Mac) on a kit-piece channel and use the

Load Kit-

piece function in the Channel context menu that appears

3:2 Other preset types used in BFD Eco

The following types of preset files both feature preset pickers, although they are not located along with the main preset pickers at the top-right of
the BFD Eco interface:

Kit-piece presets

A kit-piece preset stores the entire contents of a kit-piece channel – the kit-piece contained within the channel, its mixer settings and its Channel
page settings (including all inspector, EQ and FX slot settings).
The kit-piece preset picker is above the large kit-piece image on the Channel page, when a kit-piece channel is selected. See section 5:1 for
more details.

Key map

Key maps store MIDI key assignments for playing articulations.
The key map picker is located in the Key Map panel, accessed via the Options menu. See chapter 8 for more details.

Using the preset picker for BFD Eco Presets

3:3 Using the Preset pickers

As well as a listing of the currently available presets (click on any preset in the list to load it),
each preset picker’s drop-down menu features the following functions:


Opens the preset browser (see section 3:5).


Opens an OS file Save As dialog, allowing you to save current settings as a preset.


Clears the contents of BFD Eco relevant to the preset type:
• Preset picker:

clears the entire state of BFD Eco

• Kit picker:

clears the kit and inspector settings

• Mixer picker:

clears the entire mixer and EQ/FX settings

• Key map picker:

clears the entire key map
