1 kit-piece preset picker, 2 inspector, Large channel image – FXpansion BFD Eco User Manual

Page 16: Tune, Dyn (dynamics), In/out (kick only), Bot/top (snare only), Damp, Ch.5 channel page

background image


Ch.5 Channel page

Click the Channel page button to display the Channel page. This page features controls that apply to the currently selected mixer channel.
There are 3 main areas – the kit-piece preset picker, the inspector and the EQ/FX slots.

FX slots


preset picker



5:1 Kit-piece preset picker

This preset picker provides access to entire channel presets for kit-piece
types. These kit-piece presets store the state of a kit-piece along with
other channel settings. The kit-piece preset picker lets you access kit-piece
presets relevant to the currently selected channel.
• the kit-piece itself
• channel inspector settings
• EQ and FX slot settings
• mixer channel fader/pan settings.

5:2 Inspector

This section lets you adjust specific aspects of the channel. The controls
vary for different kit-piece and ambience channels. There are no inspector
settings on the Aux1, Aux2 or Master channels – only the channel photo is shown.

Inspector display for Kick channel

Large channel image

The is a large version of the mixer channel image (see section 4:3). It is solely for identification
purposes and performs no additional functions.


Adjusts the pitch of the kit-piece.

Tune control has no logical real-world equivalent for cymbals and hihats (as opposed to

drums with tunable skins), but the ability to tune them is nevertheless provided.

Global Tune control, found towards the bottom-left of the BFD Eco interface, adjusts the pitch

of all kit-pieces relative to their individual

Tune settings (see chapter 7).

Dyn (Dynamics)

Scales the velocity of events played by the kit-piece, from the Groove engine or from incoming
MIDI. The control offsets the velocity of incoming events up or down by up to 127.

Global Dyn control, found towards the bottom-left of the interface, offsets the velocity of all

kit-piece events relative to their individual

Dyn settings (see chapter 7).

In/Out (kick only)

Adjusts the balance between inside (

In) and outside (Out) kick drum mics.

The inside mic provides more attack and sounds more ‘clicky’, while the outside mic contains more
sustained, deep low-end.

Inspector display for Snare channel

Bot/Top (snare only)

Adjusts the balance between mics below (

Bot) and above (Top) the snare.

The top mic captures more of the sound of the drum-head (skin), while the bottom mic picks up
most of the snare wire sound – the ‘crunch’ and ‘rattle’ of a snare drum.


Reduces the decay of the kit-piece, in a similar way to using a damping method such as a snare
ring, a blanket in the kick drum, or damping gel/tape on a cymbal.
