Heli-Max HMXE05 User Manual

Page 6

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Charging the Flight Battery

Plug the charger into an AC outlet. The light on the

charger should be Green. Plug the battery into the charger.
The light on the charger will turn Red. Once the battery is
charged the light will turn Green again.

WARNING! Do not leave the battery unattended while it is
charging. If the battery becomes hot, disconnect it immediately.

Electric Motor Warning
Electric motors are very dangerous. Do not work on the
model while the flight battery is plugged in as interference
may cause the main rotor blades to spin, possibly causing
injury to yourself.

Install the Battery

Slide the battery into the AXE EZ as shown in the photo above.

Turning the Model On
Always turn the Transmitter on first and then, with the AXE
EZ sitting still, plug the battery into the ESC. The AXE EZ
will need to sit still for 10 seconds so the gyro can initialize
and determine center. If the AXE EZ is moved during this
initialization the gyro will not operate properly.

Always step 15 feet away from the AXE EZ before flipping
any switches or operating the throttle. Do not hold onto the
model and run it up. Safety First.

Range Check
Ground check the operational range of your radio before the
first flight of the day. For safety reasons unplug the main
motor so power cannot be applied to the main rotor blades.
With the transmitter antenna collapsed and the receiver and
transmitter on, you should be able to walk at least 50 feet
away from the model and still have control. Have an
assistant stand by your model and while you work the
controls, tell you what the servos are doing. If the controls
do not respond correctly, do not fly! Find and correct the
problem first. Look for loose servo connections or broken
wires, corroded wires on old servo connectors, poor solder
joints in your battery pack or a defective cell or a damaged
receiver crystal from a previous crash.

Balance the Main Blades
The AXE EZ main rotor blades are already balanced and
ready to fly.

Identify Your Model
No matter if you fly at an AMA sanctioned R/C club site or if you
fly somewhere on your own, you should always have your
name, address, telephone number and AMA number on or
inside your model. It is required at all AMA R/C club flying sites
and AMA sanctioned flying events. Fill out the identification tag
on page 10 and place it on or inside your model.

Read and abide by the following excerpts from the Academy
of Model Aeronautics Safety Code. For the complete Safety
Code refer to

Model Aviation magazine, the AMA web site

or the Code that came with your AMA license.

1) I will not fly my model aircraft in sanctioned events, air
shows, or model flying demonstrations until it has been
proven to be airworthy by having been previously,
successfully flight tested.

2) I will not fly my model aircraft higher than approximately
400 feet within 3 miles of an airport without notifying the
airport operator. I will give right-of-way and avoid flying in
the proximity of full-scale aircraft. Where necessary, an
observer shall be utilized to supervise flying to avoid having
models fly in the proximity of full-scale aircraft.

AMA SAFETY CODE (excerpts)


