Compact disc, Playing a disc, Repeat – Philips AZ 8110 User Manual

Page 6: M previous/next w -1« search w, M previous/nextm, A. during play and introscan, B. in position stop

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• Switch on the set using the POWER button (|).
• Set the MODE selector ©to CD; on the display ap­

pears ------ : -

Adjust the sound with the controls VOLUME ©,

• Press OPEN/CLOSE ©to open the disc cover.
• Insert the disc, printed side facing up (fig. 4).

Close the cover. The CD-player starts and scans

the contents list of the disc. After that, the total play­

ing time and the number of tracks appear on the dis­
play and the CD-player stops.

• Playback will start by pressing PLAY ►. As soon as

playback starts, the display shows the track number /

and the elapsed playing time of the first title. When

the second title is reached the track number 3 ap­

pears, etc.

For brief interruptions, press PAUSE ll The word

PAUSE then appears. To continue playback, press
PAUSE again.

• To stop playback, press STOP*.

The CD player also goes to position STOP:

- by pressing OPEN/CLOSE ©;
- when the end of the disc is reached;

- if you move the MODE selector©;
- by switching off the set;
- if the batteries run down or if the power supply is

interrupted in another way.
• To take out the disc, open the disc cover by press­

ing OPEN/CLOSE ©. Open the disc cover only if the
CD-player is in position STOP.

• Always switch off the set after use with POWER but­




If the battery voltage is not sufficient any more for

playing a disc, the CD-player will not start.

- If------ ; - - does not disappear, the CD-player can­

not read the disc. Possible causes are:

- you inserted the disc the wrong way: the label

should face up (fig. 4);


the surface of the disc is badly scratched or

dirty, see 'Maintenance';

- the lens ® (fig. 5) is steamed up because of a

sudden transition from a cold into a warm environ­
ment; do not clean the lens, but let the set accli­
matize for a while.


If you want to repeat the whole disc (or the stored

selection) continuously, press REPEAT: the word RE­

PEAT appears.

The REPEAT function can only be switched on during

playback: PLAY or INTROSCAN.

To defeat the REPEAT-function, press REPEAT again

and the word REPEAT disappears.

The INTROSCAN function can be switched on from

the STOP and PLAY mode.

Press INTROSCAN. The word SCAN then appears.

Only the first few seconds of each track are played,
but always from track number /.

• The moment you press PLAY ►, the INTROSCAN

function is defeated (the-word SCAN disappears) and

the disc is played in the normal way from this track


If you press or kn. the INTROSCAN function re­

mains operative and the beginning of the next »w or
previous track is played.

• If INTROSCAN is not defeated by pressing PLAY ►

or STOP it the CD player returns to STOP as soon as
the end of the disc is reached.

m PREVIOUS/NEXT w -1« SEARCH w________________

1. m


Press briefly (less than 1 second)

a. During PLAY and INTROSCAN:

»1 - go to the next track (title)

You can jump to the next title by pressing »w once.

If you want to skip more than one track, then
press MH more than once until the display shows

the desired track number.

- go to the previous track (title)

If you want to repeat the running title from the be­

ginning, press once.

If you want to repeat one of the previous titles,

press 1« more than once until the display shows

the required track number.

b. In position STOP:

In position STOP with a disc inserted you can se­
lect the desired title using


and until the dis­

play shows the required track number.



During playback, keep for search forward and


for search backward pressed. The disc is played

partly and at high speed, however, the sound is

still recognizable.

Release the button as soon as you recognize the

required passage; the disc will be played in the

normal way from this passage.
If the button is pressed longer than 10 seconds,

the search speed increases.

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