页 10, Test result 4, Test result 5 – NOYAFA NF-8108 User Manual
Page 10: Test result 6

Test Result 4:
Wiring diagram (WIREMAP) display
when there is an open circuit at the far-end of cable.
Wire map:fail
R: 12 x45 x78 id1
M: 12345678
"R:" line "3" and "6" pin location display "x", it indicates an open circuit in
far-end plug "3" and "6” pin and the open circuit is located nearby the far-end
plug.(The open circuit should be located within 10% cable length if it is
measured from the far-end plug)
Note: because the cable is made via paired cable cores,the open circuit at the
far-end always displays in pair as shown above where there is one open circuit
or all are open circuits in the far-end "3"and "6"pins. For identification, it is
simple to move the tester to the far-end to have the measurement.
Test Result 5:
Wiring diagram (WIREMAP) display when there is an open
circuit at the near-end of cable.It will display wiring diagram(WIREMAP) as
follows if there is an open circuit at the near-end plug of the cable:
Wire map:fail
R: 12345678 id1
M: 12 x45678
"M:" line "3" pin location displays "x", it indicates an open circuit at near-end
plug "3" pin and the open circuit is located nearby the near-end plug. (The
open circuit should be located within 10% cable length if it is measured from
the near-end plug)
Test Result 6:
Wiring diagram (WIREMAP) display when there is an
open circuit in the middle of the cable.
Wire map:fail
R: 12345678 id1
M: 12345678
"|” line "3" pin location displays "x", it indicates an open circuit in the middle of
"3" pin cable. (The open circuit should be located within 10%-90%cable length
if it is measured from the near-end plug.) The pair and length function (PAIR
& LENGTH) can make user know where the open point accurately is.
Your excellent helper in cable test!