17 what color should fish be, How long will my battery last on the fl-8slt – Vexilar FL-8SLT User Manual

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What Color Should Fish Be?

For ice fishing

- with the FL-8SLT being operated with the perpen-

dicular position found, the fish target entering the outside of the cone of
sound will appear in green, as it moves towards the bait it will add some
orange into the center of the signal, and if the fish continues to the per-
pendicular line under the transducer, red will be added to the center of
the fish target. These color changes will take place automatically with-
out adjusting the gain control. This color change feature allows the oper-
ator to observe the fish moving towards or away from your bait.

For Open Water

- The fish can appear the same way on open water

as they do ice fishing. The same rules apply. Although, instead of the
nice stable platform of ice you have wave and boat motion to contend
with. Usually the boat moves more than the fish. If you see a red target
separated from the bottom you can bet that it's a fish. If all you see is
green or orange you won't know if it's a fish until it turns red

How Long Will My Battery Last On The FL-8SLT?

Run Time

- The FL-8SLT draws about 200 mA, less than a quarter of

an amp of current The unit will run good until the battery voltage drops
to about 10 volts. Beyond that you will notice lower sensitivity, as well
as, a much dimmer display. The Vexilar Model V120, a 7.2 amp/hr bat-
tery, will run the FL-8SLT for about 20 hours straight.

Battery Life

- This applies only to rechargeable batteries. The largest

influence on battery life is your charging habits. To get the most out of
your battery follow these simple tips; Charge the battery as soon as pos-
sible after each use or, if it's cold, as soon as it reaches room temperature.
Do not overcharge or under charge the battery. Use a battery charger
that has an automatic shut-off feature. A battery should be stored, fully
charged, in a cool place. Charge it once a month or so when in storage
to make sure it's full.
