Installation instructions for concraceors, 1 brief description, Э instructions and regulations – STIEBEL ELTRON DHE 18 SLI 25 A User Manual

Page 28: Installation instructions for contractors, Apptiâiice with output options, Сл-:'л\ ios9,*x, 2 important information

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4. Installation instructions for concraceors

4.1 Brief description

I "ii mi(

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hcHicr DHE...SU ‘.vilh 1..П/ i^lcdrOrii-:'




p ccvkc l-:i OIN

suilH lor l;:c hcHli"^ o 'г old w« :т-::г f-:v


o ‘v.>il(:- лЫс" hns


■сл-:'л\ ioS9,*X:.

I • mHxi fiijff |:(;-i::i l(;-H i"k:, к:п:|ч:гл1..п.'

Ч r>." “C^ I he (:('iii|:‘ri(;nl •пну he (1н г1я;>:ч1

л1 higher lemperH.ijfx:'- Л1)о*;е


I' ii

•fiesiH^t: "Error" л|)|>:'^Гл in I he di.>|)lny. I he

riHX 1*111^1 nle. U:fï‘|)errt'..rx: C«n


ii::i i.xl lo


“CI \A/ilh l"o"f eri.r«! Ihe ieosIrtI" 4,>orwl

A: ((

:'-л( )гу ('{( :e " 10. Spec iai


cces so ries' ').

or ¡'lorx: (




пЛ ran he ^u|>:)l ed

•лИМ 'l•l!.í ee..i|!.TK:n,.

I i::i(ro|:'t:e:ri<”Ofs-conlrol od il(r-,-v li•niler

rtiway'-en<-./o4 Ihrt .he sol .oi’ioornlii-o is


I ' o l«rx: V.TO hcrtl'n!^ '>/sU"ri iv >u 1«Ы<; ie-

v.vile.‘ wi,h low l¡.•тleчrtle o"\Aiilh Irriew^le

ee' lenl (хее "7.2 Application ranges**}.

Apptiâiice with Output options

lo'-ihei:-! I

i insl^n'rtneou’-

v.'Hler healer; l"o ou pul ч ad inia do ‘n lhrx:e

.>lnj^es. n l.i •Holivoilxl {'ry'dilion h o aopliarirt:

•) se IO /1 kW

l."lhe apoliarxe i'- irislalled XArilh adillerxiril

■oulp'.:l.‘ake !••(: (dkv/in^’■Icp!':

• RepliJ!^ rodi"^ <лгх: on Ihe лроИлг^ге 14". *>

а'ил.х; l"o ¡"iori'irtlio" 1лЬ(;1.ас!.огхГ"^

.о .he oul|:..l xeleeled. I or.-aled :urev.l

a"d l.:so. ч:е SoedI rali-on.

• r-'ark l;:e ‘e or od oul|:..l r>" Ihe lyoo

|:'a,o wilh a рег'па'ч;"! О



4.2 Important information

A ir ci'appcd in chc cold w ater supply
can dam age the tni% w ire heating sy­

stem inside the equipm ent or trip die safety
system (see *‘1.S Im portant inform ati*
on**).Thc D H E ...S LÌ is equipped w ith
an air detector w hich, to a great ex*
tent, prevents dam age to the heating
system :
If. during opem tion, air is draw n into the
D H E , the equipm ent shuts dow n the pow er

fo.' a one m inute«thei\2b/ protecting the he­

ating system

• V alves:
• S t’éoel E hi’on ji’essuie w ives for insf.n-





fnishsd w *lls (see *'10. S pecial accessori­


• lnstr.l *"ion nay be earned ou: .^sing conr-

m erda ly ¿va'lab's p'sss.^rs '.'¿K ^es.

• Ther.noFtatic p'sss.^'s -tfi-lves

'‘1.3 R ecom m ended adjuscm enc").

• A l rforn*tb'


"hese o?er*t'ng anc

instr.ll*t'o' i's:r.,ctb's m ust be foila-zvec
caref.,’ly:“hey cornai' inporta't deta'Is
rsga'di.ig sa'sty. operation, instr-ll^don ¿ nd
nairrrsnancs of the e qui one't

4.Э Instructions and


* T'è ratal ¡Trion (•vW .té ' A 'd e èctried

•л'бг<; <*.nd conm issien'-g, :is '.veil :is "he
.nante'-<*.nce of "his eq^ipm eir;. nust c'ly

oe C T .iried


by aquarlec coiTrraccc' in

<*.ccc.rd«*.nce w t' ihese instructions.

* P erfeaf^'C Tion <*.nd safe cperat’c' сд'

cn!y be gg«*.ra'teec w hen us’'^ crign:il
accessories <*.nd sp<*.re oarts intenced for
th!s equipm ent

* O oser'/e д I loC iil у <*.pp ic<*.ole instruaiens

<’.nd enubdons l egri di'g-w viter ¡ind
e ectrical connections, such <*.s D IN 198S .

D I\^109.D N 'V 851 etc.

* O iise.'ve a I local w ater ¿nd electricity

supply сспргпу 'egub.t o's.

* Install t's low s' a'sa of t's eq ^ ipm sm

fush w ith the w *ll (obssr-/s cinrs'sion
> Г0rnE ;.

* T'S lype pb-ts Горел the h'n^c ^гр on

the squiorre't cap).

* S ee ¿ Isc '7. S pecification".

yx The specific electrical resistance of

the w ater m ay not be below the value

w ritten on the rating plate.

If the w ater îs com ir\§ from a vrater-net*

w ork the low est value of the w ater resist­
ance m ust be considered, (see „7.2 area of
The specific electrical resistance of the
w ater is generally know n by t!ie w ater pro­

* Install t'è eq^ipmeiTi only i' ¡in enclo­

sed, frost-fi ее 'ooir. Store cisTia'ted
ecuipment in f'cst-f*ee concitior.5. s r.ce
there is a-vv<*.ys ¡i lltle w<*.te' left inside t'e

* T^è protection level IP 2S (rcse-proot}

s o.ily gU iirciT ieed i'<*. correctly instdiec

cr.ble groiTnet is usee.

Water installation:

- C o d w ete ■ pipe m ate-'i/il:|)|:c'or :)I


.-! к pi:):: sy-lcrr-i.

- )l


pi:):: тн1сг:я1*

C ooper

O '

pl:istc oipe sys:em s=^

<!:)::гн1 Ic-ripc H .ijrX ;su|! .Г:-н I'lax.
60 ‘'C ca' be reached w t' the

)l II ...i;i i ¡п'-1н"1лп:.:х>..-)'A rtU ;'h(;H l(;r:

■'"эх nun- lci.ds of 80 ■'C / ' .0 '"P a n<=y

()(c.:'l?-icly i-- ,hc n^lH 1н11::п in ■
e\-ent cf a fault The p ¿stic pipe sy-ste m
us::d •nu'-l he dc'-jince .о'ч-..:Ь i-c'-di-


* A s?.fsty -tfi-lve is not i-ec.,ii-ec.
* N ever use va'^ss fo' open syste m s

E lectrical installation:

* E 'sc:ric3l connection o'ly to oerm ane'ty

w i'sd m a ns pow er ca:)les

* T's eq., ipm sm m .,>t


a:)le to



cc.^'ected from the m ains pow s's.,pp 'y,
for sx?.rro!e by f.,ses that disco"sc: all

oolss w rh at least 3 r m co't?.c: separati­


