5 installation of cable grommet, 6 priority control b, 9 installation of back-wall base – STIEBEL ELTRON DHE 18 SLI 25 A User Manual

Page 30: 10 offset installation for tiled surfaces, Alternative installations, 1 mounting br*acket when g^uipment is replaced, 2 electrical connection -finished walls, 3 electrical connection - from above t, Rotated equipment cap, Io 6.5 installation of cable grommet

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background image

6. Alternative installations

for contractors EiectricaJ: unfinished walls - from above, finished walls -

from bolow/above, load circuit breaker; water: finished walls; rotated equipment cap; offset for tiled surface

Alternative installations are shown in
figures Ш • [Ш.

6.1 Mounting br*acket when

g^uipment is replaced

♦ The exist’'•Ц Tiouniing b¡vic<éi сд'- be

used V rfhe^ lep'^ic r.^ S t’eoel E hron equip-
ireiit (except ■ D hF'). U se д suitiole
g'cniTet in t'-è br.ck vv<*.r.

♦ When rr|)Uri. :g"0 I:' . lur" Iho;'поип-

ting b !îc<tt {a) ' âû* ( ego "D K P 't. rnee
ю л'д ds the 'e<*.den ¡ind то-.е the 1Ь гед-

ced st.d (b' to ihe uppe-' r'-. corner

♦ When ni|)Uri"g Ihi'il :wly :ir|ui:)n'c' l.

US!.: i!..i holes or ч'Л'1 |)1..^ч (с) .г.:

Чл'игх; Ihc nounli огжке ч..|)|! icd.

6.2 Electrical connection

-finished walls

♦ C ^t O ' m ake an ooeni'g for the pc'/ve'

caole in the back w ¿ ll anc ec^ipm err; c<.p

(see E *o' pois ble locations for openings.

♦ The protection level cha'ges to I? 24

(spl«*.sh-p cof) fc' elecric*.! cc"ec:ioii on

•In’shec W ill Is.
A ccentiorv.
The equ’orte'tT ype pl«*.te rt.-s: be rr:<*.r-
kec as fol cw s in ballpc m pe':
C xss t"o.,.eh I? 25 and рл a cross i'

the oox IP 24.

6.3 Electrical connection -

from above T]

♦ C w t Д hole for tte povve ■ c<*.ble in Lte сд-

be s'C -nm et

♦ .^.ih tte tenr 1пд1 st b up.v<tids roir


cf/i\ 'or

th s oresi n the 5пдо-1п ttb (a)

/I'd sol/ite 1 'e ter.’nin«*.! strio.
A ccentiorv.

V.stal f.exib'e wires u'derthe C/iole



S ii/io üie tern iiiil si rip into plice /itt'e

too (c).


Rotated equipment cap

The equipm ent cap can be rotated for

under*w orktop installation [M ] :
♦ P 'sss in t's s'ap ' tat- to rem ove the

и5е':леТгсе (a) fron t's equipm ent

♦ -R otate the sqiiiore't cap (b) ('otthe

ec./ipm ent). Insert the лег inter ace and
loci, all snao in t?.bs i'to о1гсе.
A ttention:
D o 'ct insU ll a ./>er interace w ith dana-
ged snap- n taos.


sh set \due t vi'iduce ■ ctble pLg onto

the P C o (see О Initial scarc-up").


Ific :::’|iji:)i'ic"l Г/«|>{Ь) н11"!:1х:1-

.o ri



..|) in r.: |)-::j:ri()n cn l"<;

bctck vvd. P ush 1 '& otp forw /i'ds ¡ind
Ь г.скл-д ds tc ens. e cor. ec: sfetting of

the sur'c-'ding br.ck-w /ill g/isket.

♦ S(fx:w d(Av;: hi: (:<‘..i|:'ricrrt {Vii).


6.5 Installation of cable


fix; i.:r|ui:)r‘(;"l l■■«y 1.:-:: i".>






I wl"



i- nil iVihlc j/f-nmncl

• P ress out t'e C /iole gi'onm et using /i sc'e-

vvdr’v'er (a).

• S ecure the squ orrs't or. the nounti'g


V V 'en using a 10 O ' 16 m n^ pcp/ve' caole,

enla'ge t's hole in t's caole .eron net
(r*rijngs B ).

• l\iv ihc i xl;!!: ¡/-xrmr-cl ovx: " .hi: :)(:wcr

r/d;-:: (b.'ivJH'lHlkrn/ii(J), M o h::i:./i(k

WrtI (cj rt‘'il sriH:) |:I

X: {d).

6.6 Priority control B

When ..\c(l in f onju-'x-l'o" wilfi ctlicf <:!<:< Iri-



I (:<'iji|:‘ri(:nl, ::.g.(:l(:cl4c ’■lor-rjic "ivi ::rx. ..sc

hi: k:.?il rifx'..i l:c:/ikcr

a I C/iil i.irx...i l.:-:.Vikcr :W<; ”10. Special ac­



C'on.fX)! "/d: !: .o .he

of Ihe

f: I he er I.. pm: :n (< : : :le< I fir s. O'Hg: : f le-

c C'on.fX)! i-tvlrti - (>:)envwhensv/i.ffii"ji

t'e D H E ... S U on.
The load breaker trips as soon as the

D H E ...S U starts.

O nl/ connect the load circuit breaker to the
centre phase of the equipm ent term inals
{m ains pow er).

6.7 Compression fittings

- finished walls

S dcbcl E itron pressure valve (finished
w alls)
W K M D orW B M D B
{p<ti~ no. see "10-S pecial accessories")

• R t t'è w :ïter oLg G


w ’t' g<tskets (a)

(p/i t of Ihe s:!inc<ti'd delivery cf S tiebe
E itron oressui'e V iilves for finished w dls).

T-.V O w /iter pLgs (special accessory set'

(see "10. S pecial accessories"! r.i'e re-
qui. ed fcri'iit: pcity press, re vdves.

• HU"i.: v«l\‘x;i:.

• P us' the :>3C i.-v\'i.ll t<.>e oelc'/vthe valve

connecicn oipes ¿nd sn<.p r i'to the
bacr.-w al top.

• S cre/v the co"sc:ion oipes to the squio-


P repare the equipm ent cap for this installa*

tion E :

• P Crtk f:-.:l I":: hush -;nf>rk-()ij i (a) in h-e

i.:r|ui:)ive"l r a:> i.-'i.:/«fily.il nece-ÿ^H-y us:.: <i


• K-W < oij. Ifie li;)i h-e <


:) guides

Su|>:)l i.:il


II I"!.: v'rk'x; ror.net Jon :)i|)i.:^

¡ire sightly oflse:.the C /ii g.ides (b! c*.n
be .sed w hliou. k'ccdng oir ihe lips. In

t'is C /ise.t'e br.ck-w /i1 guides (c) ¡ire not


• S 'lp t'e c<*.p gukes into the sh knock-

o./t5 i' the equipne-'t cap.

• I il Ifie IjH-ix-wxl g..i(les'-..ppliex:



Ifie |)i:)i:i (prxisi l{'!|! and hn'-e O"!-:'! pio::

«nil |)U'-" .ogt: hi.:r).

• P ush b/ick-v\-M l g. ides (c) c.'to э¡lll'•< w /i I

eft'e equ’pirer.t unti' it stops.

S ecuring eqtiipm ent

W 'S ' connectée to 'lex'ble w ^tsrpipe

5y^e Tis the oack w -a I m ust be securec at t's
oottorr by rr8?.ns of a' addit'c.t*l screw ' (d).

• I Un^ I'ic er|u |)rr::i‘.l (


(b) al .he lop

/•nil y.ving (i-::wn •;:nl() liie hack



wef:s o’Tfie r


:> g..i(les mij-J gri:) n c '"i:

' :-/«k-vV «ll gu ilc'- /tfixi loe-i ’"I-:: l"i:-ri.

6.6 Soldered fitting

- finished walls

U sing the special acccssor/B (a).part no.
see “10. S pecial accessories", it is possible
to provide a screw connection w ith the
custom er's 12 m m copper pipes.

• Install pa'te o'the >psda accesso'y.

• Sol(:::i* liic in'-c-1 f: h:: (•:'!|::)cr :)i|>::>.





hvirk--.V/i’l-)asi: ufi(ii:rTicHl" .hi:

V/il-vx: ronnex li::ri pi:)::'^ /irixi vap irilx) Ihx:

top of the bick yw ill.

• S c'ew e connect c ' p ’pes to the ec uip ■

.m em .

A ttention:

N ets the in'onration in "6.7 C om pression

fitting^ — finished

w ü




• I x]iji|)inx:ril r/i|;. x;x|u prr::r.' I;arkw/il H"xi

x:x‘,iji|:‘nx:ril Ixini/i“usl l;x: prx::)/tfx:x! x>r

lirs ¡n>-lH lHrf: - iv::r::'!xi.

• E quipm ent fxing.

• C ap in5t?.l ¿tion.

6.9 Installation of back-wall


With connection fittings for finished walls,

the back-wall base can also be fitted after

the val>№s have been fitted :

• C u Ihc


h/iH : (3) ^hxw n in

Ihx: ilirt^f/ii“ (a).

• Inse't t'è linlis :(b

t c it

the extrr. ’tern

creered) fiion t'e br.ck into the centre


• C u'de tte centre part underneath the

oipes, ous' up and fit v\- t' the oae’e w '<.ll

• I ft tlix; hHx k-W/il hviÿx; !•::


:.: hvir.k w«!


I "i: hvif k-v.-H I •)Hvi: fr..v. h-:: ''x:; ijfx:xl wi.h


Hilxl rx>"/il \x-:w


• I ft U ix; vH


•: ••: :f i • x;-:;! x >• ; | : i| )x;.s . x > ■’J



x:x‘,iji|:‘fix:fil I lli"j;'-.

6.10 Offset installation for tiled


V V rer.the squiore't is *r:sd onto * tiled sur­
face ( [B ] m ax 2C r m ). the to.e§ e

( E 1S ; 'nrti*lly aciuststhe •v\-*ll cle<.ra'ce a'd

t'e' secures the ec.. ip m ent..
