Chicago Gaming Vacation Pinball User Manual

Page 15

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b) Playfield Cleaning:

The most important and protective maintenance is keeping the playfield clean, including
the periodic replacement of rubber rings, bumpers and the balls themselves.

Cleaning should be performed periodically as needed – depending on how much or how
often the game is used. When you start to notice some buildup of dirt or grime on the
white rubber rings or on the playfield itself from the ball rolling through lanes, etc., then it
may be a good time to do some cleaning.

Keeping the playfield clean, waxed, and regularly replacing rubber rings and balls will
keep the playfield finish healthy and will help avoid premature wear and tear of the
playfield surface and parts, and keep your game in top condition, as well as protecting
your investment!

We recommend using a qualified pinball playfield cleaner/polish, and optionally a high
quality wax, to keep your playfield finish cleaned and protected.

Our top recommendation for cleaning/polishing is “Diamond Bright” cleaner/polish, which
is used to clean and polish the playfield surface. We also recommend following up the
Diamond Bright with a coat or two of “Kit Carnauba Wax”, which is a very high quality
carnauba wax that will add shine and protection to your cleaned playfield, and drastically
help extend the life of your playfield finish.

We also recommend CP-100 cleaner for optional cleaning and restoring of rubber rings
and rubber bumpers on your playfield.

DO NOT USE any water-based or abrasive cleaner on your playfield’s surface. Water
based cleaners can soak into the wood of the playfield and cause it to split or swell, thus
damaging the finish/artwork on your game.

c) Playfield Opto Switch Cleaning & Maintenance:

Your pinball machine uses many “opto” switches on the playfield to detect ball
movement. These opto switches look like two tiny light bulbs mounted side by side. They
reflect an infrared beam off the ball to detect the ball’s presence.

When you clean your pinball playfield, be sure not to use too much cleaner, polish, or
wax, in order to avoid getting extra material in the holes where the opto switches are
mounted. If an opto switch gets covered up by cleaner, wax, or even if it gets dirty from
extensive play, it will not be able to “see” the ball, and consequently will not function.

Be sure to check for clean opto switches after cleaning your playfield. The optos can be
easily cleaned by gently using a toothbrush or cotton swab

d) Replacing Balls & Rubber Rings:

The balls should be replaced on a regular basis, depending on how much you use the
game. We recommend at least once a year. Balls will accumulate scratches and tiny
chips on them over time from striking metal parts on the playfield. These tiny scratches
