Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual

Page 126

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Creating and Using Device Templates

Debug Kernel

Disable optimizer

Disables the compiler’s code optimizer. Optimization typically
generates smaller and faster code, and is typically enabled for release
targets. However, optimization can severely change the code initially
generated by the compiler, which can make it difficult to place and use
breakpoints in an application that is being debugged. This check box is
selected by default.

Note: Debugging an optimized application is not supported.

See the Neuron C Reference Guide for information about the pragma
optimization directive, which provides detailed control over the
effective optimization level.

Use Debug Kernel

Uses the debug kernel when compiling and linking the application.
This check box is selected for Development targets by default.

If this check box is cleared at compile time, you will not be able to
debug the application. Clearing this check box also disables the
Expand statements, Enable Event Notify, Enable Event Reset, and
Enable Functional Execute options.

Expand Statements

Expands all Neuron C statements to at least 2 bytes of machine code. A
single Neuron C statement must correspond to machine code that is at
least 2 bytes long in order to place a breakpoint, and the optimizer can
reduce statements to less than 2 bytes. This check box is selected by

If you are debugging a 3100 Series device, you must select this check
box. Compiling such a debug target with this option cleared generates a
linker error (NLD#515), which states that the Expand Statements
option should be enabled for such targets.

If you are debugging a 5000 Series device, you can clear this check box
to reduce the size of your application’s debug image so it is closer in
size to the release image (typically, the debug and release images will
still vary in size due to different optimization settings). Compiling such
a debug target with this option selected generates a linker warning
(NLD#516), which states that the Expand Statements option is not
required for such targets.

Enable Event Notify

Enables the debug kernel to communicate debug events from the device
back to the NodeBuilder tool. This check box is selected by default.
Clearing this check box also disables the Enable Event Reset option.

Node Recovery

Enables the user to make the device applicationless by pressing the
service pin for 3 seconds during a power cycle. This check box is
selected by default.

Enable Reset Event

Enables the debug kernel to notify the device when a reset event occurs.
This option is useful when you are debugging, but it should be disabled
if you are using debug targets in larger networks because the reset
notifications can consume network bandwidth (for example, if an entire
site is powered at once). This check box is selected by default. Note
that the Enable Event Notify check box must be selected in order to set
this option.
