CRU DataPAK User Manual

Page 12

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DataPAK - Manual

Page 12

5.2 Navigating the LCD Menu

5.2.1 Active Menu

The Active Menu is the DataPAK starting point. If the Active Menu is not displaying then
either you are in an erroneous state, setting up a RAID or checking enclosure/drive status.
A healthy RAID set will display the Active Menu screen.

5.2.2 RAID Mode

To view the RAID mode press the “Menu” (left) button below the Active Menu once. The
next screen you will see is the RAID Mode screen. From this screen press the “Go” (right)
button below the LCD and that will display the current RAID type and how many disks are
in that RAID. Pressing the “Quit” (left) button will take you back to the Active Menu.

5.2.3 Error Statistics

This section of the Menu will give you Persistent and Recoverable Error Statistics of each
drive in your DataPAK. To get there from the Active Menu press “Menu” (left) twice. Then
press the “Go” (right) button to go to persistent errors. If you want to view the number of
persistent errors on your hard drives press “Go” (right). If you want to view the number of
recoverable errors on your hard drives press “Next” (left). In either case it will take you
through a port by port view of errors, where Port:0 is the first bay/drive, and Port:1 is the
second bay/drive etc. To go back to the Active Menu press “Next” (left) until “Quit” (left)
appears and then press “Quit” (left).

5.2.4 SMART Status

SMART (S.M.A.R.T.), or Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology, is a moni-
toring system for hard drives to detect and report various types of information. Some of
those include spin-up time, temperature and hours powered on. Another SMART attribute
is the ability to inform a user if the hard drive has SMART Status, or the ability to detect
and report drive information. This section of the Menu simply informs you if the drive has
SMART Status. To view the SMART Status portion of the Menu press the “Menu” (left)
button three times, then press “Go” (right).
