Getscankeypwon, Scanf_color – Argox PA-20 Programming Guide User Manual

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PT-20 Programming Guide


Returns: FALSE:set fail

TRUE:set success


Purpose: Get state for power on by scan key.

Syntax: BOOL GetScanKeyPwOn(void);

Example call: Int state;

state = GetScanKeyPwOn();


#include “SDK.h ”

Description: This function can get scan key power on state.

Returns: FALSE:scan key not power on.

TRUE:scan key power on.


Purpose: Use _scanf_color to read character strings from the standard input file

and covert the strings to values of C variables according to specified


Syntax: int _scanf_color(int color, const char *format, ...);

Example call: char assBuffer[10];


ED, “%s”, assBuffer);


#include “SDK.h ”

Description: The _scanf_color function accepts a variable number of arguments, which

it interprets as addresses of C variables, and reads character strings,

representing their values. It converts them to their internal representations

using formatting commands embedded in the argument format, which

must be present in a call to _scanf_color.

The interpretation of the variables depends on the forma. The formatting

command for each variable begins with a % sign and can contain other

characters as well. A whitespace character (a blank space, a tab, or a new

line) may cause _scanf_color to ignore whitespace characters from

keyboard. Other nonwhitespace characters, excluding the % sign, cause

_scanf_color to ignore each matching character from the input. It begins

to interpret the first nonmatching character as the value of variable that is

being read.

For each C variable whose address is included in the argument list to

_scanf_color, there must be a format specification embedded in the

format. For the complete format specification accepted by the

_scanf_color function, please refer to the scanf function in Turbo C++.

If you want input a float value, the value type is “ double “, not “ float “.

Returns: The _scanf_color function returns the number of input items that were
