Lcd_backlit_gettimer, Printf_color, Putchar – Argox PA-20 Programming Guide User Manual

Page 82: Putchar_color

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PT-20 Programming Guide



#include “SDK.h ”

Description: The lcd_backlit_Getlv gets LCD backlight level.

Returns: LCD backlight level for 1~5.


Purpose: Get LCD backlight timer.

Syntax: int lcd_backlit_GetTimer(void);

Example call: lcd_backlit_GetTimer( );//Get LCD backlight timer.


#include “SDK.h ”

Description: The lcd_backlit_GetTimer gets LCD backlight timer.

Returns: LCD backlight timer for 0~65535.


Purpose: Use _printf_color to write character strings and volues of C variables,

formatted in a specified manner, to display screen.

Syntax: int _printf_color(int color, char *format, ...);

Example call: _printf_color(COLOR_

RED, “The product of %d and %d is %d\n”, x, y,



#include “SDK.h ”

Description: The _printf_color function accepts a variable number of arguments and

prints them out to display screen. The value of each argument is

formatted according to the codes embedded in the format specification

format_string. If the format_string does not contain a % character (except

for the pair %%, which appears as a single % in the output), no argument

is expected and the format_string is written out to display screen. For the

complete format specification accepted by the _printf function, please

refer to the same function in Turbo C++.

Returns: The _printf_color function returns the number of characters it has printed.

In case of error, it returns EOF


Purpose: Display a character in color black on the LCD display.

Syntax: int _putchar(char c);

Example call:



#include “SDK.h ”

Description: The putchar function sends the character specified in the argument c to

the LCD display at the current cursor position and moves the cursor


Returns: None


Purpose: Display a character in user define color on the LCD display.
