Adjusting the display region (roi), Video operations – Roland VC-100UHD 4K Video Scaler/Converter/Streamer User Manual

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Video Operations

Adjusting the Display Region (ROI)

ROI (Region of Interest) is a function for limiting the display region beforehand.
As shown in example 1, when outputting to a display such as an LED display that does not use a 16:9 aspect ratio, you can use the ROI function to

specify the display region in advance, which lets you adjust the picture according to the region in which the video is actually shown.

Example 1: Video output to a 256 x 256 LED display

Input Format

1920 x 1080

Output Format

1920 x 1080


256 x 256

LED Display

256 x 256


LED Processor

Even in the case of example 2 where the resolution of the final display is 4K or greater, you can use multiple VC-100UHD to handle this. In this

situation, use the same settings for the scaler and ROI size on each VC-100UHD. For the ROI position, set this individually according to the output.

Example 2: Video output to an 8192 x 256 LED display

Input Format

4096 x 2160

LED Processor



1st unit


2nd unit

Output Format 4096 x 2160

ROI 8192 x 256

Output Format 4096 x 2160

ROI 8192 x 256

LED Display 4096 x 256

LED Display 4096 x 256

LED Processor

You can select a color outside of the ROI range. This color can be used to define the respective boundaries when setting the final output and ROI.

1 .

Select Root menu “Processing”


“Main Processing” or “Sub Processing”


ROI item.

2 .

Turn the [VALUE] knob to set the ROI.




Enables/disables the ROI function.



Sets the ROI’s horizontal size in pixels.


Sets the ROI’s vertical size in pixels.

Position H

Sets the ROI’s horizontal position in pixels.


Sets the ROI’s vertical position in pixels.

Masking Color

Sets the color of the area outside of the ROI.

3 .

Press the [SETUP] button twice to return to the Root menu screen.
