Simrad Autopilot AP26 User Manual

Page 147

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Magnetic variation - A magnetic compass points to the
magnetic north pole. The difference between this direction and
true north is the magnetic variation. The amount and direction of
this variation is dependent upon where on the earth you are
NMEA0183 - A format (language) designed to permit
communication between various types of marine electronic
equipment. In essence this is a two-wire shielded, serial data
link, permitting one device to talk while other devices listen.
Numerous different sentences are available, permitting
communication between various different devices.
NMEA2000 – A modern serial-data communications network to
interconnect marine electronic equipment onboard vessels.
Equipment designed to this standard will have the ability to
share data, including commands and status, with other
compatible equipment over a single signalling channel.
Product ID – A number, suffix, acronym or term that can
identify a product.
Product name – The name of a Simrad product known from
sales and other literature.
Route - A stored sequence of waypoints. These waypoints will
be listed in the order in which you desire to follow them.
SimNet Source – Any product or device directly connected to
SimNet or NMEA2000, or interfaced to SimNet via NMEA0183
or Robnet2.
Simrad Group – A number of Simrad products that are
selecting and sharing the same data sources via the SimNet
Simrad Class 1 products – Simrad products that are SimNet
controllers, i.e. they have an appropriate display and routines
that can set up and control the SimNet.
Simrad Class 2 products – Simrad products that do not contain
a SimNet controller. When connected to SimNet they will
automatically pick the first available source on SimNet and lock
on to that. When a Class 1 product is added to the Simrad Group,
Class 2 products will automatically subordinate themselves to
the Class 1 source selection.
SOG - Speed over ground is the actual speed of the vessel
relative to the ocean floor.

This manual is related to the following products: