Installation – Trane VUV 750 CFM User Manual

Page 15

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General Installation Checks
The checklist below is a summary of
the steps required to successfully in-
stall a unit. This checklist is intended to
acquaint the installing personnel with
procedures required in the installation
process. It does not replace the de-
tailed instructions called out in the ap-
plicable sections of this manual.

1 Carefully remove the stretch wrap

and top cardboard cover. Check
the unit for shipping damage and
material shortage; file a freight
claim and notify appropriate sales
representation. If end panels have
been ordered, the panel will al-
ready be mounted to the unit.

Note: The unit ventilator is pack-
aged in clear stretch wrap to allow
for immediate visual inspection. A
protective cardboard cover helps
prevent scratching and other cos-
metic blemishes during transport.

2 Remove remaining cardboard


3 Remove the unit’s left front panel

to verify nameplate/sales order
number is correct. It is located be-
hind the control box.

4 Remove shipping bracket from the

lower rear corners of the unit to
separate the unit from the skid. Ac-
cess to the screws holding the
bracket to the skid is obtained in-
side the unit.

5 Rotate the fan wheels manually.

The wheels should move freely
and be in proper alignment. Visu-
ally inspect the fan area for ob-
structions or shipping damage.

6 Remove all applicable knockouts

for coil piping and electrical con-

Location Considerations
Selecting the appropriate location for
installing a unit is very important. The
following factors should be consid-


Floor design must have sufficient
structure to withstand the weight
of the unit while allowing for
openings in the floor for a return
air duct, electrical and piping sup-
ply lines fed through the floor. See
page 7 for unit weights.


Wall space design should allow the
unit to be mounted to the wall se-
curely. The wall surface behind
the unit should be smooth and lev-
el. Wall and floor moldings should
be removed prior to installation. A
wall slightly out of level may cause
problems with unconditioned air
leaking into the room. Remove
any object projecting more then

1/8” (.3175cm) from the wall sur-
face. Note: Additional gasket or
furr strips may be installed to ac-
commodate for an uneven wall.


There are two removable knock-
outs in the rear of the unit, on ei-
ther end, for piping and electrical
supply lines. A pipe chase is locat-
ed in the upper back portion of the
unit for crossover piping. The out-
side air opening is located in the
lower back of the unit and the path
to the wallbox on the outside wall
should be unobstructed.


The physical layout of the room
should accommodate any accesso-
ries ordered with the unit. Condi-
tioned air is distributed through
the grille on top of the unit and re-
turned through the return air grille
on the bottom of the unit. Avoid
placing any objects that may ob-
struct either grille or interfere with


Internal access to the unit is pro-
vided by the removable front pan-
el. Sufficient space should be
allowed to lift the panel for mainte-
nance purposes.


Ensure the floor surface is level.
Note: The unit leveling legs can be
adjusted to accommodate slight
out-of-level installation surfaces.

Unit Mounting
Note: All wall intake boxes should be
installed prior to mounting the unit
Refer to Page 14 for wall
box installation instructions.

The 1/2” mounting or anchoring holes
are located on the back of the unit on
each end. See Figures 3.

Note: All mounting fasteners are to be
provided by the installer.


This manual is related to the following products: