2 connecting to the matrices in an ehx system, 1 generating a production maestro information file, 2 restoring a lost connection – Clear-Com Production-Maestro-Pro User Manual

Page 20: Connecting to the matrices in an ehx system, Generating a production maestro information file, Restoring a lost connection

2 connecting to the matrices in an ehx system, 1 generating a production maestro information file, 2 restoring a lost connection | Connecting to the matrices in an ehx system, Generating a production maestro information file, Restoring a lost connection | Clear-Com Production-Maestro-Pro User Manual | Page 20 / 58 2 connecting to the matrices in an ehx system, 1 generating a production maestro information file, 2 restoring a lost connection | Connecting to the matrices in an ehx system, Generating a production maestro information file, Restoring a lost connection | Clear-Com Production-Maestro-Pro User Manual | Page 20 / 58