Minuteman Kleen Sweep 40R-47R HM50QP User Manual

Page 5

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Safety Information


Safety Information


General Safety Information

Apart from the instructions contained in
this manual, the general safety instruc-
tions and accident prevention regulati-
ons, as imposed by law will have to be
complied with. Do not put the Manual
aside without reading it even if you used
similar sweepers before. Take the time
to read them now and save time later. It
will be of essence to make yourself fa-
miliar with all accessories and controls,
as well as their functions, before you
start working. Take time to read now
and save time later.
Machines with known defects must not
be used.
Prior to operation make yourself familiar
with all systems and controls and "whe-
re they arrive". Avoid the mess of ha-
ving to read this book while trying to run
the machine.
Using the machine in areas with explo-
sion hazard, on public roads and places
is prohibited.
The operator has to use the machine

within its design limits.
Shut the motors down before transpor-
ting the machine.

Keep clear of hazard zo-

Before commencing work, the operator
has to make sure that the Kleen Sweep
40R/47R and its accessories are in pro-
per and safe condition.
Warning and instruction labels attached
to the machine contain important infor-
mation about safe operation. Illegible or
lost labels have to be replaced.

Make sure that all covers
are fitted before starting
to sweep.

When sweeping in clo-
sed rooms, provide for
sufficient ventilation.

