Multichannel Systems NeuroExplorer User Manual

Page 54

background image


Variable name.


Histogram minimum.


Histogram maximum.


The number of spikes used in calculation.

Filter Length

The length of all the intervals of the interval filter (if a filter was used) or the
length or the recording session (in seconds).

Mean Freq.

Mean firing rate (Spikes/Filter_Length).

Mean Hist.

The mean of the histogram bin values.

St. Dev. Hist.

The standard deviation of the histogram bin values.

St. Err. Mean. Hist.

The standard error of mean of the histogram bin values.


The time axis is divided into bins. The first bin is [XMin, XMin+Bin). The second bin is [XMin+Bin,
, etc. The left end is included in each bin, the right end is excluded from the bin.

For each bin, the number of events in this bin is calculated.

For example, for the first bin

bin_count = number of timestamps (ts) such that ts >= XMin and ts < XMin + Bin

If Normalization is Counts/Bin, no further calculations are performed.

If Normalization is Spikes/Sec, bin counts are divided by Bin.

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