Function axq, Function qxa, Function axq ,11-53 – HP 50g Graphing Calculator User Manual

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Page 11-53

This menu includes functions AXQ, CHOLESKY, GAUSS, QXA, and SYLVESTER.

Function AXQ

In RPN mode, function AXQ produces the quadratic form corresponding to a
matrix A



in stack level 2 using the n variables in a vector placed in stack

level 1. Function returns the quadratic form in stack level 1 and the vector of
variables in stack level 1. For example,

[[2,1,-1],[5,4,2],[3,5,-1]] `

['X','Y','Z'] ` XQ


2: ‘2*X^2+(6*Y+2*Z)*X+4*Y^2+7*Z*y-Z^2’
1: [‘X’ ‘Y’ ‘Z’]

Function QXA

Function QXA takes as arguments a quadratic form in stack level 2 and a vector
of variables in stack level 1, returning the square matrix A from which the
quadratic form is derived in stack level 2, and the list of variables in stack level
1. For example,

'X^2+Y^2-Z^2+4*X*Y-16*X*Z' `

['X','Y','Z'] ` QX


2: [[1 2 –8][2 1 0][-8 0 –1]]
1: [‘X’ ‘Y’ ‘Z’]

Diagonal representation of a quadratic form
Given a symmetric square matrix A, it is possible to “diagonalize” the matrix A
by finding an orthogonal matrix P such that P


AP = D, where D is a diagonal

matrix. If Q = x



is a quadratic form based on A, it is possible to write

the quadratic form Q so that it only contains square terms from a variable y,
