Video monit or ing f eatur es – Sound Devices PIX 220i User Manual

Page 27

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12-step False Color mode divides the monitor signal into 12

luminance ranges and assigns a color to each.


100-108 Red
95-99 Orange
85-94 Yellow
79-84 Light Yellow
59-78 Light Grey
53-58 Pink
49-52 Medium Grey
43-48 Green
23-42 Dark Grey
13-22 Light Blue
3-12 Blue
0-2 White

4-step False Color mode divides the monitor signal into 4

ranges and assigns a color to all but one range (this range is

displayed without chroma). The table below illustrates the

colors as they relate to luminance levels (IRE).


101+ Red
99-100 Orange
3-98 N/A
0-2 Blue


Zebra stripe exposure assist mode overlays diagonal stripes over areas that are in a defined lumi-

nance range (Zebra 1) or above a defined luminance threshold (Zebra 2). The range for Zebra 1 is 5%
above and below the IRE value of Setup Menu option LCD Monitor

Zebra 1 Level

. The range for

Zebra 2 is everything above the IRE value of Setup Menu option LCD Monitor

Zebra 2 Threshold


The options for Zebra display (selectable from Setup Menu option LCD Monitor

Exposure Assist


are Zebra 1, Zebra 2, or both Zebra 1 and Zebra 2 simultaneously.


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PIX 220i and PIX 240i Video Recorder User Guide


This manual is related to the following products: