Starting fire level 1, Electric ignite no yes, Electric ignite level 1 – Cumberland Stove Works MF3700 User Manual

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Models MF3700, MF3800

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running. After the ON key is pressed the control will read
as follows




eLeCtriC ignition inStruCtionS

(MF3800 only)
After the range has been loaded, the controller will then
read as follows




IMPORTANT: Before lighting the stove for the first time,
make sure that no shipping items have been left inside the
firebox or ash pan.
When initially filling an empty hopper you must prime the
feed auger. To prime the auger press the ADD FUEL button.
This will turn the auger on for one minute or until the ADD
FUEL button is pressed again. Run the feed auger until
you see fuel start to drop into the firepot.
note: the parlor stove has been designed with a safety

switch on the hopper lid. the auger will not run with

the hopper door open.
Once the auger is primed pressing ENTER will start the
electronic ignition sequence.
Note: Pre loading the firepot isn’t necessary for electric

ignition; the program is designed to automatically load

the firepot. The noises you will hear during electric

ignition are the combustion fan and air pump running.
The screen will read as follows:


Starting Fire anD eLeCtriC ignite


(MF3800 only)
The the starting fire and electric ignition sequences have
been designed to take a cold stove up to normal operating
temperature. These are preset feed rates and fans speeds set
by CSW to ensure the ignition of multiple types of fuels.
During starting fire and electric ignition sequences you

may change the level by pressing the TEMP UP or TEMP
DOWN buttons.
During the starting fire and electric ignition sequences you
may choose to run your stove thermostatically by pressing
the THERMOSTAT ON/OFF button. See “Thermostatic
Control Operation.”
At any time you may add more fuel to the firepot by pressing
the ADD FUEL button.
note: the feed auger will stay on for one minute or until

the aDD FueL button is pressed again.
During the starting fire and electric ignition sequences, the
convection fan (the fan that circulates warm air throughout
room) will start once the stove has reached 110 degrees
Fahrenheit. To control convection fan speed use Fan Up
and Fan Down buttons (Buttons 3 and 8 in Figure 23). Note:
Hot stoves need air circulating through them at all times
to prevent overheating the electronic controls. Therefore,
once proof of fire is made, the convection fan will continue
to run.
After the stove runs its starting fire or electric ignition
sequences, the controller will read

RANGE 1-4 (will display

chosen fuel range)

LEVEL 1-6 (will display chosen heat

output level). This is the normal operating screens for the
MF series parlor stove.

normaL oPeration

During normal manual operation of the stove, the controller
will read as follows:

RANgE 1-4 LEVEL 1-6

At any time during normal operation you will be able to
change the fuel range by pressing the SCROLL button.
(MF 3800 only) At any time during normal operation you will
be able to run the igniter by pressing the SCROLL button.
At anytime during normal operation you may change the heat
level by pressing the TEMP UP or TEMP DOWN buttons.
note: if the stove is being controlled by the local

thermostat the temP uP and temP Down buttons control

the thermostat setpoint. if the stove is being controlled

by the remote thermostat the temP uP or temP Down

buttons have no effect on the heat output.
At anytime during normal operation you may turn on or off
the thermostatic control by pressing the THERMOSTAT
ON/OFF button.

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