Sound manager guidelines, Crestron isys™ tps-tpi touchpanel interface – Crestron electronic TPS-TPI User Manual

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Crestron Isys™ TPS-TPI



“Sound Manager” Dialog Box

Sound Manager Guidelines

There are three things to keep in mind when using Sound Manager.

1. Each WAV file must be assigned a unique digital join number. The join

number options include none, keyclick, or a number (1 through 4000).
The default is none. If the keyclick option is selected, this WAV file
becomes the default keyclick sound for all buttons. The other WAV
files can be played by having the SIMPL Windows program assert the
assigned join number.

2. Each WAV file must have the correct audio format and attributes for

the TPS-TPI target type selected in VT Pro-e.
Refer to "Appendix A: WAV File Audio Messages" on page 25 for
acceptable formats.

3. There are three system-wide join numbers that the designer can define.

The first, sound playing from panel, differs from the other two in that it
is triggered from the touchpanel interface.

a. Sound Playing from Panel – The signal for this join number goes high

when the WAV file plays.

b. Mute Sounds – All WAV files (except the keyclick) in the project are

muted when this join number goes high.

c. Mute Key Click – The keyclick sound is muted when this join number

goes high.

Operations Guide - DOC. 5855

Touchpanel Interface: Crestron Isys™ TPS-TPI

