Lvt>ubleshooting the electric start system, A warning, If the starter motor doesn’t turn over – Troy-Bilt 8 HP User Manual

Page 60: Check all wires and cables, Check for faulty solenoid, Important, Check for faulty starter motor, Check for faulty starter motor a, Warning

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lVt>ubleshooting the electric start system



B efore troubleshooting the electric

start system , place the W heels/

Tines/P TO D rive Lever in “N EU ­

TR A L” and disconnect the spark

plug w ire from the spark plug.

H ere are som e sim ple checks

you can m ake to troubleshoot the

electric start system . If these

checks do not isolate the problem ,

please call our Technical Service

D epartm ent for further advice.

If the starter motor doesn’t

turn over

If the starter m otor doesn’t turn

over w hen you turn the key sw itch

to the “S TA R T” position it could be

due to one or m ore of the foliow ing


1. Loose, broken or corroded

w ires or cables.

2. A faulty solenoid, or dis­

charged battery.

3. A faulty starter m otor.

4. A faulty w iring harness and/or

key sw itch.

1. Check all wires and cables


M ake sure that all connections

are tight.


C heck for rust or paint that

w ould prevent good electrical con­

tact at all connections.


M ake sure that the insuiation

on all w ires and cables is in good

condition and that a break in the

insulation is not allow ing a bare

w ire to touch any m etal surfaces.


A fter com pleting Steps A

through C , try to start the engine. If

it starts, you have corrected the

problem . If it doesn’t start, proceed

to the next step.

2. Check for faulty solenoid


Y ou w ill need a jum per w ire for

the follow ing steps. M ake one by

stripping about % -inches of insu­

lation from both ends of a 12-inch

length of heavy (#10 or heavier)

insulated w ire. H old only the insu­

lated part of the w ire w hen per­

form ing the follow ing steps.


M ake sure that the W heels/

Tines/P TO D rive Lever is in

“N EU TR A L”.

C . R eplace the negative (-) bat­

tery cable w ith the jum per w ire as

follow s:

(a) D isconnect the negative (-)

cable from the grounding

screw on the right side of the

battery bracket and bend the

cable term inal safely aw ay

from any m etal parts.

(b) D isconnect the upper end of

the cable from the negative (-)

battery post and rem ove the


(c) C onnect one end of the jum per

w ire to the negative (-) battery

post, being careful not to allow

the other end of the w ire to

contact any m etal parts.


C onnect the loose end of the

jum per w ire to the grounding

screw on the battery bracket.

S ee P hoto 6-65.


W hen rem oving the jum per w ire

and replacing it w ith the negative

(--) battery cable, follow the proce­

dure given in S tep 2-C above.


U sing the battery cable as a

jum per w ire, touch one end of the

cable to the solenoid term inal that is

m arked “B ” in S ketch 6-66 or 6-67.


B R IEFLY touch the other end of

the cable to the solenoid term inal

that is m arked “C ” in S ketch 6-66

or 6-67. There m ay be a spark

w hen you do this. If the starter

m otor turns over, the solenoid is in

good condition. If the starter m otor

didn’t turn over, the solenoid m ay

be bad. First check to m ake sure

that the screw s w hich attach the

solenoid to the battery bracket are

tight. A fter tightening the screw s.


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6-65; Replace negative (-) battery
cable with #10 insulated jumper wire.

6-66: Earlier style solenoid is shown

repeat this Step. If the starter m otor

still doesn’t turn over, please call

our Technical Service D epartm ent

for further advice.


If there w as no spark w hen you

jum ped the solenoid, it indicates

that the battery w ill not hold a

charge. You should charge the

battery (see page 56) or take the

battery to a qualified battery tech­

nician for testing and charging.

3. Check for faulty starter motor


Y ou w ill again use the negative

(-) battery cable as a jum per w ire.


M ake sure that the W heels/

Tines/P TO D rive Lever is in

“N EU TR A L”.

6-67: Later style solenoid is shown


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