Troy-bilt® log splitter, Troy-bilt® generator, V ' r - 1 – Troy-Bilt 8 HP User Manual

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TROY-BILT® Log Splitter

The TR O Y-B ILT® Log S plitter

provides you w ith a convenient and

easy m eans of splitting large quan­

tities of w ood. W hen hooked-up to

the P ow er U nit’s P TO ciutch, the

tiller’s engine runs the splitter’s

hydraulic pum p, providing you w ith

13 tons of steady, unhurried and

predictable splitting force (see

P hoto 9-11). A s an added benefit,

the pow er-driven m obility provided

by the Pow er U nit allow s you to

m ove the splitter to and from your

w oodpile, over to a neighbor’s

place, or along the w oodpile to a

fresh supply of logs.

The Log Splitter has m any top-

of-the-line features including: 15-

second splitting cycle, all the w ay

forw ard and back; tw o-stage hy­

draulic pum p that autom atically

shifts into “low gear” to provide


V ' r

- 1

9-11: The Log Splitter produces 13 tons of hydraulic pressure.

four tim es as m uch pressure on

tough-to-split pieces; slim -cut

w edge design that w ill split even

the greenest, stringiest elm ; and

an auto-control valve that allow s

the ram to m ake the return stroke

by itself. It w ill handle log sizes up

to 26" long.

Y ou can expect to split about

half a cord per hour w orking aione,

and up to a full cord if you have a

helper and don’t stop to stack.

TROY-BILT® Generator

The TR O Y-B ILT® G enerator can

be attached to your P ow er U nit to

provide rem ote electrical pow er for

m any portable tools around your

hom e and property. The G enerator

delivers 2600 w atts at 60 hz w ith

the 7 and 8 H P engines. S ee P hoto


The ability to m ove your Pow er

U nit and G enerator from one loca­

tion to another is a unique and

particularly handy feature. H ere are

just a few of its possible uses:

operate pow er tools for repair jobs;

bring pow er to a building site for

saw s, drills, etc.; run a pum p to

drain a pond or tank; light an out­

door area for night w ork; use

hedge trim m ers, w eed trim m ers,

sprayers, etc. around your grounds

and orchard.

It can also be used as an em er­

gency standby generator to pro­

vide 120 and 240 volt pow er for a

lim ited num ber of household appli­

ances, provided proper electricai

connections have been installed

by a com petent electrical contrac­

tor. N O TE : The unit m ust not be left





access by a padlocked fence.

S pecifications include: 120/240-

volt capacity; built-in voitage regu­

lator (to protect sensitive appli­

ances); built-in frequency m eter;

three receptacles (one 240 V , 10.8

am ps., and tw o 120 V , 21.7 am ps.).

9-12: Take portable electric power where you need it with the TROY-BILT®


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