Mapxtreme wms and authentication, Basic authentication – Pitney Bowes MapXtreme User Manual

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Chapter 19: Web Map Service

MapXtreme WMS and Authentication

MapXtreme v7.1


Developer Guide

The attributes for EX_GeographicBoundingBox are westBoundLongitude, eastBoundLongitude,
southBoundLatitude, northBoundLatitude. EX_GeographicBoundingBox is supplied regardless of
what CRS the WMS server supports. It may be approximate if the data are not natively in geographic

The equivalent parameter in WMS 1.1.1 is LatLongBoundingBox with attributes minx, miny, maxx
and maxy in EPSG:4326 longitude/latitude.


Each layer delivered by a WMS 1.3 server must have at least one bounding box. The coordinates
are presented in the order required by the coordinate system authority. In the example of an EPSG
and CRS code, the bounding box coordinates are in reverse order to each other.

<BoundingBox CRS="EPSG:4326" minx="-59.100605" miny="-86.389389"
maxx="16.755765" maxy="-32.336389"/>
<BoundingBox CRS="CRS:84" minx="-86.389389" miny="-59.100605" maxx="-
32.336389" maxy="16.755765"/>

This means for EPSG:4326, the minx is the southern most latitude and miny is the western most
longitude. For the CRS:84, minx is the western most longitude and miny is the southern most

MapXtreme also supports optional BoundingBox attributes for resx resy to describe the spatial

Image Stretching

WMS requires that the image returned from a GetMap request correspond to both the BBOX and
image size (WIDTH, HEIGHT) parameters. This is so that the returned image not unreasonably
stretched to fit the bounding box.

MapXtreme WMS and Authentication

Basic Authentication

MapXtreme's WMS Client implements support for managing the basic authentication protocol when
making service requests against a secured WMS server. The authentication credentials can be
defined on the WmsRequest object, prior to initiating the service request, allowing for programmatic
control of the authentication via the API. If the WmsRequest does not have the proper credentials,
and the client receives an Unauthorized error message from the server, a Windows dialog,
prompting the user for the credentials, will be displayed. The use of the credentials dialog may be
disabled, in which case the authentication exception is returned directly to the calling application for

Upon successful authentication with a WMS Server, the credentials for the server will be cached for
the lifetime of the client session. The client can make subsequent WMS requests to the server, or
make requests to other servers, with or without authentication, without having to re-authenticate.
