Configuring layer information for a wms server – Pitney Bowes MapXtreme User Manual

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Chapter 19: Web Map Service

Configuring Layer Information for a WMS Server

MapXtreme v7.1


Developer Guide

Configuring Layer Information for a WMS Server

Layers are described in a WMS Server configuration file according to elements laid out in the
MXP_WMSConfiguration_1_2.xsd schema. New for WMS 1.3 are in bold. These elements include:

Name–a name of the layer that is used to reference the layer in requests.

Title–a name of the layer that is readable by the user.

Abstract–a longer narrative description of the layer.

KeywordLIst and Vocabulary attribute–List of keywords or keyword phrases to help catalog
searching. Vocabulary indicates the authority of the keywords.

SRSNameSet–the spatial reference system(s) that applies to this layer. If more than one SRS
can be used on the layer, each one can be listed. This list is unordered and applies to parent and
child layers.

Attribution–identifies the source of the geographic information.

MetadataURL–a link to detailed, standardized metadata about the data corresponding to a
particular layer.

FeatureListURL–points to a list of the features represented in a Layer.

MinScaleDenominator and MaxScaleDenominator–define the appropriate range of scales for
a WMS map

WmsStyleSet–An unordered set of pre-defined styles supported by this layer and any child
layers. The WmsStyleSet is a collection of WmsStyles, each bearing a name, title, abstract and
reference to a style definition. Each style can have a LegendURL that points to an image of a
legend for that style.

WMS layers can be made up of a single layer of data or a hierarchical collection of layers. A basic
implementation of WMS allows the client to specify which layers it needs, as well as the coordinate
system and styles for those layers that will be rendered as a map image.
