Downloading using terminal – Digi-Star Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator User Manual

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On the Stockweigh Datamaster

Select Shift + F7. You will be asked the same questions as if entering a data collection session. Once past the
ready? prompt, the Stockweigh Datamaster will attempt to read the information from the computer.

On the Computer

Press ENTER. The information will now be downloaded to the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator. On the
Stockweigh Datamaster you should now see DOWNLOADING..........n where n is the number of records in the
data set incrementing to the number on file. When the last record has counted off, press ENTER on the
Stockweigh Datamaster. A message, Abort Download? will appear. Answer YES and the data set will now be
in the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator.

Uploading using Windows

The windows Graphic interface has become a standard in IBM compatibles over the past few years and it is
hard to find a computer without it. Uploading using a package which comes standard with windows called
Terminal is more user friendly than the old DOS method. Here are the steps to accomplish this:

1. Follow steps 1 & 2 as the above DOS method.

2. On the computer:

In windows, open the accessories group and double click on the TERMINAL icon (the one with the phone). You
will be presented with a white screen and a menu bar at the top. Go to the drop down menu >settings= and
choose communications. A communications set up box will appear. Black dots should appear in the boxes
telling you of the default selections. The only one you have to change is the baud rate. Click on 9600 instead
of 1200. This should now be the correct set up (9600,n,8,1). Just click on OK.

Click on the pull down menu marked Transfers and choose Receive Text File. The windows file box will
appear. If you click on the C:\ in the directories window you can move to a different directory. Once there you
can specify a file name that you want the incoming data stored under. Once the file is received it will
automatically be saved in the directory you specified.

Click on OK in the File box.

Your terminal will now be waiting to receive the file. Go to the Stockweigh Datamaster and press ENTER. The
data should now transfer into the file you specified. When it has finished click on the stop button on the bottom
left of the screen. The file should now be saved in the directory you specified under the name you specified.
You can now close terminal.

If you have a particularly large file on the Stockweigh Datamaster, change the baud rate on both Stockweigh
Datamaster and Computer to 1200. This is because the buffer in the computer sometimes overflows if the
speed is too fast, causing characters to be misaligned. Slowing the speed will compensate for this.

Downloading using Terminal

On the Stockweigh Datamaster

Select Shift + F7 and go through the steps until you get to ready? Press ENTER and the Stockweigh

Datamaster Indicator will be waiting for data.

On the Computer

Follow the steps for uploading in the previous section but choose Send Text File from the transfers


You will be asked to select a file to send.


On the bottom right of the window there is a section which says Following CR: and then two choice

boxes -

Append LF and StripLF. Strip LF has an X in it . Take out the X by clicking it with your mouse. Click on OK
and the file will download to the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator.
