MacroSystem Title-Studio User Manual

Page 10

background image

a structure (more precise instructions for the selection menu
can be found further below).
Once you have assigned a material or a pattern, you can
determine the placement on the characters. Please refer to the
„Formatting with colors, patterns or materials“ chapter for a
description of the Symmetrical, Asymmetrical, Scale and Tile

5 .3 .8 Font

Click on the Font button to open a window in which you can
choose a font and set a font size (10-500 points). You can
choose the font by clicking on one, or by using the scroll bar in
the same way as in the effect list. Next to the fonts in the list,
there are also different symbols. Most of the fonts that come
with the program are marked with an „A“. This means that
they contain all usual Western European characters). Fonts
that have a face next to them (one is included in the package)
do not contain letters and punctuation marks, but images or
symbols. Fonts that are marked with „A+“ also contain Eastern
European characters. These fonts are available as extension
products. Fonts marked with „A-“ are not always complete and
may contain deviations from the usual fonts.
The size of the font is determined with the slider. The display
shows a preview of the current font type and font size as
applied to „MacroSystem“. In addition to using installed fonts,
you can also directly import your own fonts. Only TrueType
fonts can be imported. To do this, click in this menu on the
„Import font(s)“ button. This will lead you to a selection menu
in which you can select and confirm the storage medium that
contains the fonts. You will get a list of available fonts. The cur-
rently selected font will be shown in a preview. This way, you
can use the multi-select function to select the fonts you want
to import. You can import a maximum of 100 fonts. Once you
have check marked all fonts you want to import, click on OK
to start importing them. After this, the fonts will be included in
your font selection. These fonts are listed with their font name.
They are marked by an „A“ with a superscript „x“.
Should you have installed too many fonts, you can remove the
superfluous ones by clicking on the „Delete font(s)“ button.
You should then mark the ones you want to delete and click on
OK to delete them.
In the description above the selection menu for structures has

been mentioned. This selection is possible when working with
Surfaces, Overlay, Border and 3D.
In some menus, it is possible to choose between different
types of look. In other menus, only a single selection is given.

Color: When you want to select a color, you can do this in the
„Select color“ menu. You know this menu from using the Bog-
art SE basic software. If you are not familiar with it, we suggest
you refer to your Bogart manual.

Pattern: You also already know the menu to select patterns.
You may know it from Bogart SE and its Pattern effect to
create an „empty scene“ or from the creation of menus in

Material: Please refer to the „Formatting with colors, patterns
or materials“ chapter for a description of these functions.

You can leave this menu via the following routes:

Save: Use this to save your text design. This way, you will be
able to access it directly in the selection list later on. In the
Save menu, please select a group in which you can store the
design. If the group is not available, you can create one with
„New Group“. On the right side of the table, there is a list with
the current contents of the group you selected. Click on the
text field below it to give the new style a name.
The starting letter of the name will be the letter that appears
in the archive as text preview. Click on OK to save the style.
You will then get to the Style selection, where the style you just
saved will immediately be visible and selected.

Discard: All changes you have applied to the style will be reset
to the value they had when you started editing the style. The
menu will then be closed. You can achieve the same result by
clicking the right trackball button. You will then be returned to
the Style selection.

Use: Click on this option if you do not want to save the style
settings you made, but only want to use them for this text. You
will then arrive directly in the „Choose style -“ menu, but the
changes you have made for your marking will be transferred.

You can then return from the „Choose style“ menu to the text
editor by clicking on the „TE“ symbol button.

