Introduction – Moxa Technologies UC-7420/7410 User Manual

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UC-7420/7410 User’s Manual

Windows Tool Chain Introduction



UC-7420/7410’s Windows Tool Chain is a cross development environment that simulates the
Linux root file system, allowing users to develop applications in a Windows environment. Install
the Windows tool chain to set up a Linux-like environment on your Windows machine. The
following figure shows an example of what the Windows Tool Chain environment looks like.


Your group is currently “mkpasswd”. This indicates that
The /etc/passwd (and possibly /etc/group) files should be rebuil
See the man pages for mkpasswd and mkgroup then, for example, ru
mkpasswd –l [-d] > /etc/passwd
mkpasswd –l [-d] > /etc/group
Note that the –d switch is necessary for domain users.

stephen_lin@abc-06d82fcbf1a /

$ ls –al
total 9
drwxr—xr-x 8 stephen_ mkpasswd 0 Jan 10 17:24 .
drwxr—xr-x 8 stephen_ mkpasswd 0 Jan 10 17:24 ..
drwxr—xr-x 2 stephen_ mkpasswd 0 Jan 10 19:48 bin
drwxr—xr-x 7 stephen_ mkpasswd 0 Jan 10 19:24 etc
-rw-r--r-- 1 stephen_ mkpasswd 3262 Jan 10 22:03 insight.ico
drwxr—xr-x 5 stephen_ mkpasswd 0 Jan 10 19:48 lib
-rwxr—xr-x 1 stephen_ mkpasswd 53 Jan 10 22:03 moxa.bat
-rw-r--r-- 1 stephen_ mkpasswd 3262 Jan 10 22:03 moxa.ico
drwxr—xr-x 2 stephen_ mkpasswd 0 Jan 10 19:48 tmp
drwxr—xr-x 14 stephen_ mkpasswd 0 Jan 10 19:48 usr
drwxr—xr-x 6 stephen_ mkpasswd 0 Jan 10 18:12 var

stephen_lin@abc-06d82fcbf1a /

$ _

Your Windows OS you use must satisfy the following requirements.

1. Operating System: Windows 2000 workstation or Windows XP professional.
2. Minimum of 500 MB of free hard drive space to install the tool chain and develop programs.

All of the disk space must be on a single drive.

3. CD-ROM or equivalent.
4. Ethernet connect to download the application program to UC-7420/7410.
5. Be able to log in as administrator.
6. Use a Windows username without spaces.
You will be using a BASH shell window to enter commands. In addition, for editing text files,
such as configuration files, you should use vi editor. Do NOT use WordPad, which could cause
problems when the files are transferred to a bona fide Linux environment.
