User already logged in, No user logged in, User already logged in -38 no user logged in -38 – Motorola ENTERPRISE DIGITAL ASSISTANT MC70 User Manual

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7 - 38 MC70 Integrator Guide

User Already Logged In

If already logged into the EDA, the user can launch the login dialog box for the following reasons:

Connect to and re-enable a cancelled profile. To do this:

Launch the Log On/Off dialog.

Select the cancelled profile from the profile list.

Login to the profile.

Log off the EDA to prevent another user from accessing the current users network privileges.

Switch EDA users to quickly logoff the EDA and allow another user to log into the EDA.

No User Logged In

If no user is logged into the EDA, launch the login dialog box and log in to access user profiles.

The Login dialog box varies if it is:

Launched by WCS, because the service is connecting to a new profile that needs credentials.

Launched by WCS, because the service is trying to verify the credentials due to credential caching rules.

Launched by a user, when a user is logged in.

Launched by a user, when no user is logged in.


Re-enable cancelled profiles using the Profile Editor Wizard and choosing to connect to the cancelled
profile. Cancelled profiles are also re-enabled when a new user logs on.

Table 7-28

Log On/Off Options



Wireless Profile Field

When launching the login application, the Wireless Profile field has available all
the wireless profiles that require credentials. This includes profiles that use EAP

Profile Status Icon

The profile status icon (next to the profile name) shows one of the following
The selected profile is cancelled.
The selected profile is enabled but is not the current profile.
The profile is the current profile (always the case for WCS Launched).

Network Username and
Password Fields

The Network Username and Network Password fields are used as credentials
for the profile selected in the Wireless Profile field. Currently these fields are
limited to 159 characters.

Mask Password

The Mask Password checkbox determines whether the password field is
masked (i.e., displays only the '*' character) or unmasked (i.e., displays the
entered text). Check the box to unmask the password. Uncheck the box to mask
the password (the default).

Status Field

The status field displays status that is important to the login dialog. If the user
opens the dialog and needs to prompt for credentials for a particular profile at
this time, it can use the status field to let the user know that the network is held
up by the password dialog being open.
