IBM GC09-2830-00 User Manual

Page 153

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Appendix C. db2cpic.dll - Extended SNA Security Codes on
Windows NT and Windows 95

Extended SNA Security Codes were not implemented by some SNA
subsystem providers. This may affect customers using one or more of the
v DB2 Universal Database (UDB) for Windows NT Version 5 (all editions).
v DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition for Windows NT Version 5
v DB2 Connect Personal Edition Version 5 (when running on Windows 95 or

Windows NT).

A new DLL, called db2cpic2.dll has been provided in order to support
Extended SNA Security Codes in these environments. The new DLL was
originally packaged with FixPak 1 for DB2 Universal Database Version 5. It is
identical to the original DLL db2cpic.dll, except that it includes a call to
extract secondary information (cmesi()).

Table 7. Which version of db2cpic.dll to use?

If you have this SNA

On Windows NT use

On Windows 95 use

IBM Communications
Server for Windows NT

db2cpic2.dll (new)

db2cpic.dll (old)

IBM Personal
Communications for
Windows (also Integrated
SNA Support provided
with DB2 Connect Personal



Microsoft SNA Server



If DB2 fails to load db2cpic2.dll, you can do the following in the directory
where it has been installed:

copy db2cpic2.dll db2cpic2.bak

copy db2cpic.dll db2cpic2.dll

This will make db2cpic2.dll the same as db2cpic.dll.


If you wish to use Extended Security Support with DB2 UDB Version
5.0 on Windows 95, we recommend using IBM Personal
Communications (PComm) for Windows 95 Version 4.2 (not Version
4.1). Copy db2cpic.dll to db2cpic.bak and copy db2cpic2.dll to
db2cpic.dll. This will make db2cpic.dll the same as db2cpic2.dll.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 1999

