IBM SC34-5764-01 User Manual

Page 405

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passed back from an EXIT or RETURN instruction
(when a REXX program is called as a command) is not
a whole number or will not fit in a general register. This
error may be due to mistyping the name of a symbol so
that it is not the name of a variable in the expression on
any of these statements. This might be true, for
example, if you entered “EXIT CR” instead of “EXIT

System action: Execution stops.

User response: Make the necessary corrections.

CICREX467E Error 27 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid

DO syntax

Explanation: The language processor found a syntax
error in the DO instruction. You might have used BY,
TO, FOR, WHILE, OR UNTIL twice, or used a WHILE
and an UNTIL.

System action: Execution stops.

User response: Make the necessary corrections.

CICREX468E Error 30 running fn ft, line nn: Name

or string > 250 characters

Explanation: The language processor found a variable
or a literal (quoted) string that is longer than the limit.

The limit for names is 250 characters, following any
substitutions. A possible cause of this error is the use of
a period (.) in a name, causing an unexpected

The limit for a literal string is 250 characters. This error
can be caused by leaving off an ending quote (or
putting a single quote in a string) because several
clauses can be included in the string. For example, the
string 'don't' should be written as 'don''t' or "don't".

System action: Execution stops.

User response: Make the necessary corrections.

CICREX469E Error 31 running fn ft, line nn: Name

starts with number or “.”

Explanation: The language processor found a symbol
whose name begins with a numeric digit or a period (.).
The REXX language rules do not allow you to assign a
value to a symbol whose name begins with a number or
a period because you could then redefine numeric
constants, and that would be catastrophic.

System action: Execution stops.

User response: Rename the variable correctly. It is
best to start a variable name with an alphabetic
character, but some other characters are allowed.

CICREX470E Error 34 running fn ft, line nn: Logical

value not 0 or 1

Explanation: The language processor found an
expression in an IF, WHEN, DO WHILE, or DO UNTIL
phrase that did not result in a 0 or 1. Any value
operated on by a logical operator (¬, \, |, &, or &&) must
result in a 0 or 1. For example, the phrase “If result then
exit rc” will fail if result has a value other than 0 or 1.
Thus, the phrase would be better written as If
result¬=0 then exit rc


System action: Execution stops.

User response: Make the necessary corrections.

CICREX471E Error 35 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid


Explanation: The language processor found a
grammatical error in an expression. This could be

You ended an expression with an operator.


You specified, in an expression, two operators next to
one another with nothing in between them.


You did not specify an expression when one was


You did not specify a right parenthesis when one was


You used special characters (such as operators) in
an intended character expression without enclosing
them in quotation marks.

An example of the last case is that LISTFILE * * *
should be written as LISTFILE '* * *' (if LISTFILE is
not a variable) or even as 'LISTFILE * * *'.

System action: Execution stops.

User response: Make the necessary corrections.

CICREX472E Error 36 running fn ft, line nn:

Unmatched “(” in expression

Explanation: The language processor found an
unmatched parenthesis within an expression. You will
get this message if you include a single parenthesis in a
command without enclosing it in quotation marks. For
example, COPY A B C A B D (REP should be written as


System action: Execution stops.

User response: Make the necessary corrections.

CICREX473E Error 37 running fn ft, line nn:

Unexpected “,” or “)”

Explanation: The language processor found a comma
(,) outside a routine invocation or too many right
parentheses in an expression. You will get this message
if you include a comma in a character expression
without enclosing it in quotation marks. For example,
the instruction:

Error Numbers and Messages

Appendix A. Error Numbers and Messages

