Lowrance electronic iWAY 600C User Manual

Page 49

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The Transfer My Data screens for both the Save and Load commands

are shown far left and far right. When you select Save Data in the far

left Transfer My Data screen, a keyboard will appear (center) allowing

you to enter a file name.

When you transfer GPS data files to the unit, the file will be added to

all the "normal" places where you would access that data. For example,

any routes in the GPS data file will be added to the Route Via Destina-

tions list. Any trials will be added to the My Trails list. Waypoints will

be added to the Address Book. All of these files should be visible from

the map screen.

GPS Simulator

The unit has a GPS Simulator allowing it to simulate the

navigation of a route. The simulator control buttons are

located in the bottom left of the map screen.

If you are in Simulator Mode while driving and reach a speed of about

15 miles per hour or greater, and the unit acquires a satellite lock, the

unit will leave Simulator Mode. If the unit does not have satellite lock

it will prompt you to simulate when you begin to navigate a route. If

the prompt is ignored for 20 seconds the unit will assume you do not

wish to simulate a route.

The red X on the GPS Simulator button (left) indicates the feature is

turned off. The unit simulating a route is shown at right. The simula-

tor control buttons are located in the bottom left corner of the map



Drop down box

File name text box
