Play time scroll bar, Power saving mode, Playback speed – Edimax Technology EdiView32 User Manual

Page 32: Clip skipping, Export video clip

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3-3-1. Play Time Scroll Bar
You can drag the scroll bar at the bottom of the video player at any time
to quickly browse the video clip. When dragging the scroll bar, a green
line will indicate the current selected time within the clip

3-3-2. Power Saving Mode
All video players support ‘Power-Saving Mode’. In this mode, loading
of the computer’s processing efficiency will substantially reduced.

When you simultaneously playback multiple video clips, “Power
Saving Mode” can increase efficiency.

3-3-3. Playback Speed
The fastest playback speed is 128x to help you reach the desired clip
location faster; for example at 64x browsing, an one hour clip will only
take less than 1 minute. Playback can also be slowed down to 1/64x
speed, allowing clear distinctions between critical frames.

3-3-4. Clip Skipping
This function can skip 5 and 30 seconds before or after the current
video frame time. As a result you can quickly locate the desired video
frame, or a simple repeat playback.


Export Video Clip

To ensure the best compatibility of player, all exported video clips are WMV
(Windows Media Video) format.
