Video proc/color correction, Video proc/color correction -11, Operating instructions – Cobalt Digital FUSION 3G 9931-EMDE 3G_HD_SD-SDI Embedder_De-Embedder User Manual

Page 63: 9931-emde function submenu list and descriptions

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9931-EMDE-OM (V1.15)



Operating Instructions

9931-EMDE Function Submenu List and Descriptions

Table 3-2

9931-EMDE Function Submenu List

Provides the following Video Proc and Color Correction
parametric controls.

• Video Proc

Video Proc (On/Off) provides master on/off control of all Video Proc

• When set to Off, Video Proc is bypassed.

• When set to On, currently displayed parameter settings take effect.

• Reset to Unity

Reset to Unity provides unity reset control of all Video Proc functions.

When Confirm is clicked, a Confirm? pop-up appears, requesting

• Click Yes to proceed with the unity reset.

• Click No to reject unity reset.

• Luma Gain

Adjusts gain percentage applied to Luma (Y channel).

(0% to 200% range in 0.1% steps; unity = 100%)

Video Proc/Color Correction

• Luma Lift

Adjusts lift applied to Luma (Y-channel).

(-100% to 100% range in 0.1% steps; null = 0.0%)

• Color Gain

Adjusts gain percentage (saturation)
applied to Chroma (C-channel).

(0% to 200% range in 0.1% steps; unity = 100%)

• Color Phase

Adjusts phase angle applied to Chroma.

(-360° to 360° range in 0.1° steps; null = 0°)

• Gang Luma/Color Gain

When set to On, changing either the Luma Gain or Color Gain controls
increases or decreases both the Luma and Color gain levels by equal
