Room equalization with omnimic – Dayton Audio OmniMic V2 Precision Measurement System User Manual

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Room Equalization with Omnimic


Omnimic enables you to measure the frequency response of your room and speaker system at any number of listening
positions, weight the empahsis you want any of the positions to have relative to the others, and generate the required
response curve for your equalizer. The result can be the curve graph itself, or a set of parametric equalizer settings you
can enter by hand into parametric equalizers, or which can be loaded as a file to

MiniDSP equalizers

. These functions

are provided by the Equalizer Configuration form, which you can reach while on the Frequency Response page, by
clicking the "Main Math>Show Equalizer" menu.

The Equalizer Configuration form can't be shown unless there is an "Average" curve available in the Frequency Response
plot, which you can obtain from measurements as discussed below, or by loading an FRD file using the "File>Load to Avg
Curve" menu.

About Equalization

The frequency response of an audio system is not a constant, but will be different at each individual seat. Ideally we
would like the response to be flat (or some other target curve shape) at all seats from each speaker. But that isn't
possible in real rooms with real speakers because of the strong effects of loudspeaker directivity and sound reflections in
a room. So the best approach is to adjust the overall equalization to best smooth the response for all of the seating
positions, perhaps emphasizing the response at certain critical seating positions that are more often used. With Omnimic,
this is simple to accomplish, using its curve Average functions.

For instance, here is a graph with two responses from two different positions in a room:
