Printing graphs – Dayton Audio OmniMic V2 Precision Measurement System User Manual

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Printing Graphs


Print the current OmniMic screen image by clicking on the Print menu. You can select the printer that
will be used via the "Printer Setup" menu on the main OmniMic screen. On most plots (not including
Waterfalls or Polar displays) you can also print from a pop-up menu that appears when you right-click
on the graph.

When a frequency response graph is shown with multiple curves (from files), the image that will be
printed includes an extra column at right indicating the files used for each curve. Because of the
limited space for showing the file names, short file names are recommended.

If you want to print only an individual graph (without the buttons or controls of the rest of the image),
you can get a very clean copy of it by using the "Snapshot" menu, and using a graphics program
(such as PaintBrush) to print the image.
