Saving graph pictures to disk ("snapshot") – Dayton Audio OmniMic V2 Precision Measurement System User Manual

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Saving Graph Pictures to Disk ("Snapshot")


You can save a high quality picture file of the current graph by clicking on the Snapshot menu. These
are useful for including into reports or published documentation, or for printing out separately using a
graphics program (such as PaintBrush). Buttons and controls shown on the graphs will not be saved
to the file. However, if you have multiple curves (from data files) on a Frequency Response plot, a
legend will be included in the graph identifying the curves with the files.

On most plots (not including Waterfalls or Polar displays) you can also command a snapshot from a
pop-up menu that appears when you right-click on the graph.

You will be prompted for a file name. Files can be saved as bitmaps, PNG files, JPGs, or as scalable
metafiles. Metafile displays can be scaled smaller or larger (when used with capable software like
most word processors) without loss of resolution. Bitmaps are more universally supported, but may
not expand or compress as well when inserted into documents. JPGs are ideal for posting on internet
web sites or discussion boards.
