Dayton Audio OmniMic V2 Precision Measurement System User Manual

Page 44

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Operating Notes:

when working with the "adjust for response" box checked, you would normally set the blue line
(click inside the Bass Response graph) to be in the upper, most flat, region of the Bass
Response curve.

the microphone should be placed out in the room, measuring at various listening positions.
You can try relocating subwoofers or main speakers, or listening chairs to find optimum
locations for these. For floor vibrations, spikes or pads below subwoofer boxes can also affect
the bass decay (not always for the better).

remember that the response is strongly position dependent. Optimize the woofer placements
and equalization for best overall results at all listening positions. This is generally easier to
accomplished if multiple subwoofers are used.

slow decays should be less bothersome to the ears if response level is reduced at the
problematic frequencies. If you are using an equalizer in the room, you can reduce your
system's response to accomplish this. You can use the "adjust for response" checkbox to help
find the best tradeoff between tight bass and flat response.
