Hach-Lange WPC-22 User Manual

Page 14

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Stand alone mode only




BUF—Set the buffer (data log) interval. Options: OFF
(disabled), 30 seconds, 1, 5, 10, 30 or 60 minutes.
At the end of each buffer interval, the date, time, sensor
status and count are saved to the buffer. The buffer
holds a maximum of 100 records. When the buffer is full,
new data is saved over the oldest data.

Note: If a serial printer is attached, every time data is saved to the
buffer that data is also sent to the printer.

SCRL—Set the scroll interval. Options: OFF (disabled),
30 seconds, 1, 5, 10, 30 or 60 minutes.
At the end of each scroll interval, the instrument starts to
monitor the next calibrated particle size on Channel 2.
When disabled, the particle size monitored on Channel
2 is the Channel 2 Size setting.

Note: No data will be saved to the buffer if the buffer interval is
longer than the scroll interval.

Buff Count/Print

Refer to

Send the data log to a printer or computer

on page 15. The Buff Count value shown is the
number of entries in the buffer (data log).

Buff Count/View
Buffer/ Delete

Refer to

View or delete the buffer (data log)

on page 15. The Buff Count value shown is the
number of entries in the buffer (data log).

Count Alarms

Set the minimum number of particles that will trigger a
Count alarm on Channel 1 and Channel 2. To disable,
set to 0.
A1—Count limit for Channel 1
A2—Count limit for Channel 2
Push INC to change the selected digit. Push the RIGHT
arrow to select the next digit.

Network mode only



Unit ID = 1 Set a unique address for the instrument. Options: 1 to 247.

Address 0 cannot be used. This option only shows when the
MODE option is set to N (network mode).

Stand alone and Network mode



Analog Count
Out/Upper 1/Lower

Set the count limits (range) for the analog output
(4–20 mA) for Channel 1.
UL1—Upper count limit that will correspond to a
20 mA output signal
LL1—Lower count limit that will correspond to a 4 mA
output signal

Analog Count
Out/Upper 2/Lower

Set the count limits (range) for the analog output
(4–20 mA) for Channel 2.
UL2—Upper count limit that will correspond to a
20 mA output signal
LL2—Lower count limit that will correspond to a 4 mA
output signal

Channel 2 Size

Push the UP and DOWN arrow keys to set the particle
size that will be monitored on Channel 2 when the
scroll interval is set to OFF.

Flow Rate/Flow

RATE—Enter the flow rate
ALM—Enable (ON) or disable (OFF) the flow alarm. If
a flow monitoring device is available, the flow alarm is
monitored on the digital input (CTS pin).

Flow Alarm State

Set the flow alarm to trigger on a high or low voltage
input on the CTS pin depending on the active state of
the flow alarm device. Options: HI or LO.
If the Flow Alarm State Active option is set to HI, a
high voltage input (> 2.5 VDC) on the CTS pin from
the flow monitoring device triggers a Flow alarm and
0 V identifies a normal flow.

Input 1/Input 2

Refer to

Identify the analog input values

on page 15.

14 English

This manual is related to the following products: