3 connecting from daqlogger or remote monitor, 3 connecting from daqlogger or remote monitor -7, 3 connectng from daqlogger or remote montor – Yokogawa DAQWORX User Manual

Page 17: Index, Connectng from daqlogger, Connectng from remote montor

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IM WX1-03E






ng Procedure


Connectng from DAQLOGGER or Remote

While the executable function is running, DAQLOGGER or Remote Monitor works via

Ethernet to log and monitor the data that the WT is acquiring. GateWT’s executable

function acts as the client of a DAQLOGGER or Remote Monitor that is running as the

monitor server.

In this case, system numbers are assigned as follows:

WT assigned to WT01 : 0

WT assigned to WT02 : 1

Connectng from DAQLOGGER


See section 2.6 of the WX101 DAQLOGGER WX81 DAQLOGGER Client Package

User’s Manual (IM WX101-01E).


• If a connection is made with GateWT when DAQLOGGER’s system server setting is set to

No system number, the connected WTs are handled on the same system. For example,

if a GateWT with two WTs connected is set to No system number on DAQLOGGER,

DAQLOGGER handles both units channels as a single connected GateWT.

• When recorder model determination is performed by DAQLOGGER, models numbered 01

under GateWT’s “WT Setting” are displayed as No. 00. To identify models numbered 02 or

higher, specify the system number on DAQLOGGER. For example, for number 02, specify

01 under System No.

Connectng from Remote Montor


See section 8.1 of the WX101 DAQLOGGER WX81 DAQLOGGER Client Package

User’s Manual (IM WX101-01E), or section 9.2 of the WX102 DAQ32Plus WX82

DAQ32Plus Client Package User’s Manual (IM WX102-01E).
