Ion] (p. 6-28), Ur (p. 6-28), B p. 6-28 – Canon VB-M600VE User Manual

Page 106: Setting event operations ([event] tab), Setting detection areas

background image



(4) [Object Size (%)] [Change Ratio (%)] [Duration (Sec)]

Set the lower limit for the size, change ratio, and

judgment time for the set detection area to trigger

detection. If the value set here is exceeded, “Detected”

mode is triggered.

Click the text box to enter a value directly, or specify a

value using the slider.

For details on the setting method, see “Setting

Detection Criteria per Detection Type” (p. 6-29).

„ Setting Event Operations ([Event] tab)

Set operations to be performed upon detection of

changes in a subject.

[Event] tab

(1) Specify the operation timing. (Multiple checkboxes can

be selected.)

[ON Event Operation] checkbox
When selected, the operations set in (2) [E-mail

Notification] and [Upload] are performed the moment

detected mode is triggered to ON.

[OFF Event Operation] checkbox
When selected, the operations set in (2) [E-mail

Notification] and [Upload] are performed the moment

detected mode is triggered to OFF.

[Detected mode Operation] checkbox
When selected, the operations set in (2) [E-mail

Notification] and [Upload] are performed for as long

as detected mode is active.

(2) Specify the event operation. (Multiple checkboxes can

be selected.)

[E-mail Notification] checkbox
When selected, e-mail notification is performed at the

timing set in (1). [E-mail Notification] must be set in

advance under [Upload] in the Setting page (p. 5-17).

[Upload] checkbox
When selected, upload is performed at the timing set

in (1). General upload must be set in advance under

[Upload] in the Setting page (p. 5-15).

(3) Specify the audio playback timing.

[Audio Playback at ON Event] checkbox
When selected, the sound set in (4) [Sound Clip

Name] is played at the moment the detected mode is

triggered to ON.

[Audio Playback at OFF Event] checkbox

When selected, the sound set in (4) [Sound Clip

Name] is played at the moment the detected mode is

turned OFF.

(4) Set the playback sound.

[Sound Clip Name]
Select the sound that is to be played. The sound clip

name set for [Sound Clip Upload] under [Event] in the

Setting page is shown in the pull-down list (p. 5-22).

Set the audio playback volume in the range of 1 to


„ Setting Detection Areas

Set detection areas in the image display area.

Setting a [Rectangular] detection area
By default, a rectangle is shown in the image display area.

Move or resize that rectangle to set a detection area.


It is recommended that the detection criteria are set in a

condition as close as possible to the condition in which the
camera is actually used.





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