Video] setting image size, quality and frame rate, P. 5-13 – Canon VB-M600VE User Manual

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Initial Camera Settings

(1) [Intelligent Function Information]

Select from [Do not add] or [Add] for intelligent

function information other than volume detection in

JPEG header information.


(1) [Image Quality]

Select a desired image quality from 1 to 5 (5 levels) for

images transmitted at each image size in JPEG.

Greater values have higher quality.

(2) [Image Size: Image Transmission]

Select [160 x 120], [320 x 240], [640 x 480] or

[1280 x 960] for the size of images transmitted. This

becomes the start-up video size used by each viewer

if no video size has been set.

(3) [Maximum Frame Rate: Image Transmission]

Limit the maximum transmission frame rate per

second to reduce the viewer load. The maximum is 30

frames/sec. Enter a value of between 0.1 and 30.0.

(4) [Image Size: Upload]

Select [160 x 120], [320 x 240], [640 x 480] or [1280 x

960] f o r t h e s i z e o f i m a g e s u p l o a d e d . F o r

d e t a i l s o f u p l o a d se t t i n g s , s e e p. 5-15.


(1) [Bit Rate Control]

Select [Do not use bit rate control] or [Use bit rate


(2) [Target Bit Rate (kbps)]

If [Use bit rate control] is selected in (1), select 32 to

4096 (total 12 levels) for the target bit rate.

(3) [Video Quality]

If [Do not use bit rate control] is selected in (1), select

a desired quality from 1 to 5 (total 5 levels) for H.264

video transmission.

Greater values have higher quality.

(4) [Video Size]

Select [320 x 240], [640 x 480] or [1280 x 960] for the

size of video transmitted.

(5) [Frame Rate (fps)]

Select [30], [15] or [10] (fps) for the frame rate of

video transmitted.

[Video] Setting Image Size, Quality and Frame Rate

The following can be set here.

• Initial Camera Settings

Set to add intelligent function information (except

volume detection) to JPEG headers.


Set the image quality, size, maximum frame rate

and upload size in JPEG.

• H.264

Set the bit rate, video size and capture frame rate

in H.264.

• On-screen display

Set time, character string, etc. displayed over



• Network load will increase if a larger video size is set or

higher video quality and target bit rate are set, as this

increases data size per frame. As a result, the following could

JPEG: The frame rate may drop

H.264: Video may be temporarily disrupted

• Block noise may become noticeable if a large image size and

low target bit rate are set.

• The data size may increase depending on the type or

movement of the subject. If the frame rate remains low or

other undesirable conditions continue for a prolonged
period, lower the image size or quality setting.

• Note that if you are using included RM-Lite, the hard disk

usage will also be affected during recording.

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