Saving a log to a file/opening a saved log, Copying/searching logs, Showing all logs – Canon VB-M600VE User Manual

Page 111: Showing filtered logs

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Log Viewer






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„ Saving a Log to a File/Opening a Saved Log

How to Save

Click [Save to local file] and save using the [Save As]

dialog box.

How to View

Click [Open local file] and select a log file using the

[Open] dialog box.

„ Copying/Searching Logs

How to Copy

Click to select the log you want to copy, and then click


How to Search

Enter the character string for which you want to search in

[Search for] and click [Search].

If the searched log is found, it is shown as selected.

Click [Previous] or [Next] to search the log above or

below. Lines of logs found are shown as selected.

„ Showing All Logs

Select the [Show all logs] checkbox.

When selected, even logs without a log code are shown if

[Not specified] is selected for the log type [Filter].

„ Showing Filtered Logs

You can filter logs by type, code and date & time to show

only the necessary information.

Set the following conditions and click [Apply filter] to show

only the logs matching the specified conditions.

[Log Type]
Select the [Specify type] or [Specify code] checkbox to

filter logs by type. If you don't want to filter logs by type,

select [Not specified].

• Specify type

Specify the log level
Select [Error], [Warning] or [Information] for the level of

logs to be shown.

Specify log output module

Select [Application], [HTTP Server] or [System] for the

output source module whose logs will be displayed.

• Specify code

Specify the log code. Only logs whose code contains

the entered characters are shown. If “A0” is entered,

for example, logs starting with “A0” are displayed.

[Date & Time]

• [Specify start date & time] checkbox

When this checkbox is selected and a date and time

are entered, logs generated on or after the specified

date and time are shown.

• [Specify end date & time] checkbox

When this checkbox is selected and a date and time

are entered, logs generated on or before the specified

date and time are shown.


[Application], [HTTP Server], and [System] support the log

message list List of Log Messages (p. 8-8).


Logs saved in the camera's internal memory are cleared when
you perform [Maintenance] > [Restore Settings] and [Reboot],

or press the reset switch on the camera.

This manual is related to the following products: