8 fsr settings – Electrix Tweaker Editor Reference User Manual

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3. Control Settings


any channel settings of the incoming message and respond accordingly. For example, suppose the

TWEAKER’s bottom left button is configured to respond to note 37 on channel 1. If omni is off, then

the TWEAKER would ignore any note 37 (on or off) received on any other channel. If omni is on, then

that same note message would actually turn the LED on and off in response!

Potentiometer Notes

The “pot. notes” button will enable or disable a unique feature of the TWEAKER. When enabled,

the 2 sliders and 2 analog knobs with center detent will send out a MIDI note with velocity 0 when

the potentiometer is at exact center of the range. Additionally, a note will be sent with a different

velocity when the potentiometer crosses the center of the range. If the center is crossed when

decreasing the value of the pot, it will send out a note with velocity 64; if increasing the velocity

is 127. The note values are fixed and cannot be edited, however, they match the default CC values

of the pots. This feature is particularly useful when using the knobs trigger a filter sweep or when

using the fader for pitch control.

3.8 FSR Settings

The FSR (Force Sensitive Resistor) enables the pressure sensitivity of the drum pads, and can be

customized for sensitivity and response. These settings affect all drum pads.

Retrigger Rate

This describes the “temporal resolution” of the aftertouch CC messages of the drum pads. The

number represents multiples of 5 milliseconds (ms). For example, with a setting of 9, the TWEAKER

will send CC messages every 45ms while a drum pad is held down.


A higher number makes the pads more sensitive, a lower number less sensitive, and therefore

requiring more force to produce a note and velocity value.


The pressure at which a pad generates a Note On message (and starts streaming CC messages).





Default: 15

Note: Least Significant Byte is Transmitted First.
