Pathport manager user’s guide – Pathway Pathport Manager 3 User Guide User Manual

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Pathport Manager

User’s Guide


Query Network for New Pathports:

If a Pathport is added to the system and is not detected by Pathport Manager,
this button forces Pathport Manager to search for any new devices and place
them in the Network tree. When a new device is found all of its parameters will
also be queried for addition into the show tree.

Create new Universe:

This opens the Create new Universe window to allow for the creation of custom

Show all Patched Outputs:

This button changes the Patched Outputs window to display all output ports that
are currently not patched to a universe.

Open Show:

Opens a previously saved show file.

Save show:

Saves the current show under the current show name.

Save show as:

Saves the current show under a new name.

Tile Windows:

This allows for a quick tiling of all of the open windows in the program. Windows
are tiled horizontally across the program's desktop.

Cascade Windows:

This command arranges all open windows in the program to be cascaded
starting at the top left of the program's desktop. Useful for finding hidden
