4 auxiliary output, 5 clock output stability considerations, 1 output switching – Cirrus Logic CS2200-CP User Manual

Page 15: 2 pll unlock conditions, 1 output switching 5.5.2 pll unlock conditions, Figure 10. auxiliary output selection, Cs2200-cp

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Auxiliary Output

The auxiliary output pin (AUX_OUT) can be mapped, as shown in

Figure 10

, to one of three signals: refer-

ence clock (RefClk), additional PLL clock output (CLK_OUT), or a PLL lock indicator (Lock). The mux is con-
trolled via the AuxOutSrc[1:0] bits. If AUX_OUT is set to Lock, the AuxLockCfg bit is then used to control
the output driver type and polarity of the LOCK signal (see

section 8.6.1 on page 22

). If AUX_OUT is set to

CLK_OUT the phase of the PLL Clock Output signal on AUX_OUT may differ from the CLK_OUT pin. The
driver for the pin can be set to high-impedance using the AuxOutDis bit.

Figure 10. Auxiliary Output Selection


Clock Output Stability Considerations


Output Switching

CS2200 is designed such that re-configuration of the clock routing functions do not result in a partial clock
period on any of the active outputs (CLK_OUT and/or AUX_OUT). In particular, enabling or disabling an
output, changing the auxiliary output source between REF_CLK and CLK_OUT, and the automatic dis-
abling of the output(s) during unlock will not cause a runt or partial clock period.

The following exceptions/limitations exist:

Enabling/disabling AUX_OUT when AuxOutSrc[1:0] = 11 (unlock indicator).

Switching AuxOutSrc[1:0] to or from 11 (unlock indicator)
(Transitions between AuxOutSrc[1:0] = [00,10] will not produce a glitch).

Changing the ClkOutUnl bit while the PLL is in operation.

When any of these exceptions occur, a partial clock period on the output may result.


PLL Unlock Conditions

Certain changes to the clock inputs and registers can cause the PLL to lose lock which will affect the pres-
ence the clock signal on CLK_OUT. The following outlines which conditions cause the PLL to go un-

Changes made to the registers which affect the Fraction-N value that is used by the Frequency Syn-

Referenced Control

Register Location


“Auxiliary Output Source Selection (AuxOutSrc[1:0])” on page 20

AuxOutDis .............................

“Auxiliary Output Disable (AuxOutDis)” on page 19


“AUX PLL Lock Output Configuration (AuxLockCfg)” section on page 22

3:1 Mux

Auxiliary Output Pin





Timing Reference Clock


PLL Clock Output


PLL Lock/Unlock Indication

