Liebherr Downloads User Manual

Page 31

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turnover in the construction cranes and
mixing technology division was 577.2 mil-
lion euros, which represents an increase
of 57.5 million euros or 11.1 %.

From activities outside the construction
machinery and mining equipment areas,
the Liebherr Group achieved a turnover
of 2,947.4 million euros, 104.6 million eu-
ros or 3.7 % higher than in the previous
year. Sales revenues for other products
and services fell by 113.4 million euros or
36.8 % to 195.1 million euros. All other
product areas increased their turn over:
The maritime cranes division boosted its
turnover by 78.4 million euros or 10.7 %
and therefore its sales revenue by 808.0
million euros. The aerospace and trans-
portation systems division also recorded
a significant turnover increase to 913.4
million euros, 94.1 million euros or 11.5
% above the same period in 2010. The
machine tool and automation systems
division increased its turnover by 20.8
million euros or 12.6 % to 186.4 million
euros. The domestic appliances division
boosted its total turnover to 844.5 milli-
on euros, an increase of 24.7 million eu-
ros or 3.0 %.

The investment total increased by 125.0
million euros or 23.0 % to 669.1 million
euros. These funds were devoted to the
construction of new production facilities,

the modernisation of existing ones and
the expansion of the sales and service

The growth of the Liebherr Group led to
a distinct increase in the workforce du-
ring the year under review. At the end of
2011 Liebherr employed 35,333 peop-
le worldwide. In total, Liebherr created
2,354 new jobs.

The Liebherr Group will also maintain its
course for growth in 2012. Increases are
realistic in all divisions. The Group antici-
pates an increase in total turnover in the
order of 10 %. The current view is that an
improved result is possible in comparison
to the previous year.

Liebherr Group News
