Liebherr Downloads User Manual

Page 9

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Thanks to the reduced number of its
key components, which is based on the
fact that the refrigerant channel does
not need to be sealed, the system offers
higher reliability. Moreover, failed com-
ponents can be isolated and exchanged
much faster on an air cycle system than
on a traditional system, which normally
requires the replacement of the complete
cooling unit. Therefore maintenance op-
erations are significantly simpler.

In all, the reliability of Liebherr’s air cy-
cle air conditioning system helps to save
direct maintenance costs and leads to
considerably reduced vehicle down-
times. In the case of maintenance the
reduced number of parts in the system
ease any maintenance and repair, while
simplified accessibility guarantees effi-
cient time-saving service. Maintenance

does not require EG 303/2008 refriger-
ant-trained and certified personnel any-
more. Moreover, storage, handling and
future accounting of refrigerant on site
are no longer necessary. Furthermore,
with a view to a future ban of chemical
refrigerants, the air cycle air condition-
ing units will not need to be retrofitted or
adapted, thus accounting for an addition-
al cost advantage when compared to va-
por cycle units.

A key advantage of the air cycle sys-
tem technology is its ability to continue
operating even when external tempera-
tures are extremely severe and beyond
normal operating conditions. For exam-
ple, it even continues generating cool
air under high external temperatures. In
contrast to this, the vapor cycle system
stops operating due to the refrigerant

overpressure switch. This key feature
guarantees that the air cycle air condi-
tioning systems works when it is most
needed, thus preventing inside cabin
temperatures from exceeding outside

Other benefits this technology offers to
passengers are the low measured noise
and vibration levels in the car and on
the platform. Liebherr-Transportation
Systems is the only supplier in the industry
to develop the air cycle machine / cooling
turbine in-house, which guarantees the
long-term availability of this next genera-
tion technology for railway applications.

Outdoor display
at InnoTrans

Transportation Systems

From September 18 - 21, 2012, Liebherr-Transportation Systems will present
numerous innovative solutions at InnoTrans in Berlin (Germany) at booth no. 232
in hall 3.1. Energy-efficient and environmentally friendly air conditioning systems,
reliable hydraulic actuation systems and electronic compo-
nents, or a high-performance railroad excavator with rail bo-
gies – the variety of products and services on display represent
Liebherr’s comprehensive know-how in the transportation
